The witch as Satan

This is all out of my league, as I only know a little general stuff about Catholicism.

My thinking is that any church which preaches salvation through Christ alone has the message right, and once united as followers of Jesus, we all have the same mission: "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost" (Matthew 28:19).

But y'all can continue the debate, I just can't bring much else to it. :eek:
This subject is always fascinating, but perhaps it deserves its own thread at least. That way discussion of Jadis could continue without distraction around the nature of Christianity as it is manifested historically in various traditions of the Tradition. There exists besides Roman Catholic, the Greek Orthodox, the Anglican, and the Protestant streams of the Faith. Much too large a topic to not get its own thread!

And this will continually come up in other threads as well, as Mr Lewis was Anglican. That means that his writings will reveal his Catholic and Protestant understandings of Christian Faith - to the discussion and rumination and irritation of many! Might as well make room for it in its own space, otherwise it will overtake many threads! :eek:
inked said:
There exists besides Roman Catholic, the Greek Orthodox, the Anglican, and the Protestant streams of the Faith.

just to clarify, there are more then one kinds of Catholics besides roman catholics, just to make sure we are all on the same page. Also, all Catholic branchs believe in the exact same things, we just to things differently

just wanted to comment, because some people,(majority of people) believe catholic and roman catholic are the same thing, which they're not :D
holyboy666 said:
some people,(majority of people) believe catholic and roman catholic are the same thing, which they're not :D
Thanx, Holyboy, I thought Catholic=Roman Catholic. I wonder what the differences are, if you believe the same things?

(You can answer over in the other thread if you want. We're kind of off track here as to whether Jadis=Satan.)
Not all Catholic churches believe the same thing. But I realize that the subject of this thread has totally changed, and I'm sorry for my part in encouraging that. I didn't mean to turn this into a discussion about the Catholic Church or the history of Christianity.

Getting back on track: in LWW, Jadis represents Satan. But this is not true throughout the series. I don't think Tash ever represents Satan in a direct way because Tash was commonly understood to be the god of evil (I think) in the CoN... but the view that Satan is a god is very rare among the world's religious traditions. It is not the case that everything in the CoN has to represent or symbolize something in real life. Some of it's just story.
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Well, I always thought that Jadis represents satan, but she is not in all of the books. In each book I beileve there is something diffrent that represents satan. So, tash may also represent satan.
inked said:
This subject is always fascinating, but perhaps it deserves its own thread at least. That way discussion of Jadis could continue without distraction around the nature of Christianity as it is manifested historically in various traditions of the Tradition. There exists besides Roman Catholic, the Greek Orthodox, the Anglican, and the Protestant streams of the Faith. Much too large a topic to not get its own thread!

And this will continually come up in other threads as well, as Mr Lewis was Anglican. That means that his writings will reveal his Catholic and Protestant understandings of Christian Faith - to the discussion and rumination and irritation of many! Might as well make room for it in its own space, otherwise it will overtake many threads! :eek:
I just made a new thread yesterday called Scripture and Tradition in The Lamp Post....
Maybe no one person represents Satan in CON. Aslan doesn't even "represent" Jesus, He is Jesus, you know, He tells the children He has another name in their world. So if the devil were in Narnia, too, seems like it would be one person (with another name in our world). But I think what we see are different manifestations of evil from book to book -- Jadis in MN, White Witch in LWW, Lady in the Green Kirtle in Silver Chair, etc. -- but these are merely folks enthralled to evil, more what we might think of as demons or people cooperating with demons, than they are the allegorical representative of Satan.
jadis & lilith

i'm new here, so maybe this has already been covered. In LWW Mr. beaver tells the children that Jadis is not a "Daughter of Eve" but a "Daughter of Lilith" and "one of the Jinn". Anybody know what i'm talking about?
Yeah, I know what you are talking about. It's all explain in The Magician's Nephew. She's from another world, and therefore, not a Daughter of Eve.
Welcome Visago.
I think there is a Hebrew tradition that way back before the world gotgood and started, Adam had a bad wife called Lillith who had to be done away with before Eve's advent. I am not sure of the whole legend. Lewis implies Jadis was one of her offspring.
inkspot said:
I think there is a Hebrew tradition that way back before the world gotgood and started, Adam had a bad wife called Lillith who had to be done away with before Eve's advent. I am not sure of the whole legend. Lewis implies Jadis was one of her offspring.

Well, thats interesting! I've never heard of it before, (then again i'm only 12). They it is interesting to think about the myths and legends and how people put them into stories to even base them on the Bible!
right! Jadis was from Charn, and i'm familiar with the myths about Lilith. The Jinn are said to be a race of demons that are the spawn of Lilith and Satan. I think the mythology goes back to Babylonian times. What I'm submitting for the debate as to the question of "Jadis=Satan?", is that I don't think that her character is supposed to symbolize anything. Lewis clearly states (through the words of the beaver) that Jadis is in fact from an evil bloodline. Jadis might even be a direct descendant of Lilith and Satan, since she was of the royal bloodline that ruled Charn
In the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe it mentions that Jadis was from the bloodline of Adam with his first wife not Lilith and Satan I also think that Jadis symbolizes evil but not Satan
I agree with those who say that Jadis is not to be taken as Satan. Tash is much closer, given the nature of his being and his role at the judgement in TLB. I always suspected that Jadis brought Tash to Narnia, or at least opened a doorway for him to get in. Maybe Tash was one of Charn's gods?
Well, in the LWW, Edmund represents sin. So, the Which might represtent either one, depending on how you look at it.
jadis = satan?

reepicheep"Where sky and water meet, where the waves grow sweet, doubt not, Reepicheep, to find all you seek, there is the Utter East" I think that it can be looked at in several ways actually; But to state profoundly that Jadis = Satan as Aslan is to Christ doest quite fit right. If you can recall in "TMN" Jadis was in a slumbered state until the bell was rung by Digory, (cliche time..."curiousity killed the Kirke") lol......The beginning of Jadis isn't quite clear.....but it is left to the imagination to know that the carnal mind was the overall influence to "ring the bell", thus making the bell = apple from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Charn could not be considered as the Garden of Eve.......and I need to stop this post before my wife speaks the Deplorable word at me yet once again!!....My! My! My! I'm gonna enjoy these threads wayyyyyyy toooo much....I can tell already!
sevgi said:
In the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe it mentions that Jadis was from the bloodline of Adam with his first wife not Lilith and Satan I also think that Jadis symbolizes evil but not Satan
Does it say this, or does it say she was in the bloodline of Lilith, Adam's first wife? That could mean that she and Adam had no children, but that she later (or earlier) had the Jinn children with Satan.

I agree with Utter East that Jadis can't be an allegorical representation of Satan because she was alive in suspended animation on Charn, whereas Satan would have been out and about as Aslan/Jesus is out and about. She derives her power from magic, though, right?