The witch as Satan

no way!! Jadis is sooo not like Satan....but..then again, she did kill Aslan and all and was soo evil

but I dont see Jadis as Satan
The Teacup said:
I think Tash was supposed to represent Satan...

Jadis was just a villain

The Teacup is corrcet - Tash was essentially supposed to represent Satan. Just as Shift - the monkey - was the Antichrist...

The White Witch, i think, represented the soldiers and people that resisted Christ and in turn, killed him.
Jadis may not actually represent Satan but maybe a demon, an enemy, or the adversary. In "The Silver Chair" the Queen of the Underland is also said to be related to Jadis and basically represents the same thing. So Jadis is definetly not the devil.
jonnylaw37 said:
Jadis may not actually represent Satan but maybe a demon, an enemy, or the adversary. In "The Silver Chair" the Queen of the Underland is also said to be related to Jadis and basically represents the same thing. So Jadis is definetly not the devil.
Very good point.
Of course

I believe C.S.Lewis intended her to represent Satan, as Aslan represents Jesus. Since the book is as Jesus died for our sins, and how the enemy thought they had won, when really they didnt, of course Jadis represents Satan, in my opinion anyway,
In BEYOND THE WARDROBE, it doesn't mention Jadis as being ' Satan' incarnate, but it does describe her as being Medusa-like ( turning things to stone) and also like the goddess Circe, who tempted men with enchanted food and turned them to animals ( you could say Edmund ate this forbidden, enchanted Turkish Delight and acted upon his selfish instincts).

However, in INSIDE NARNIA, Jadis is talked about as the adversary and ultimate evil opponent of Aslan.

I would say that she is not really Satan, but definitely an adversary. If the Emperor Beyond the Sea is God, and Aslan is Jesus, then I do wonder...who represents all of evil incarnate within Narnia?
I think that she represents Satan because she is the one who 'claims' Edmund, who in the case of the stone table and such, would be like us with our sin that has separated us from God. However, Aslan, as the symbol of Christ, has paid for our sins on the cross (stone table) and has risen again. Jadis is then defeated. While Satan nowadays is not defeated, God has the power to defeat him.