Twilight Princess Inn RPG


New member
Ok I'm interested in started a medieval-type RP which takes place in a tavern/inn not unlike The Prancing Pony (for those familiar with Lord of the Rings). I'll be narrating it which is really just me changing morning to afternoon to night.
All manner of guests are welcomed in the inn. The only thing I ask is you keep a medieval time period feel to it (no guns or stuff of that sort). Magic gifts are fine, but be careful how you use them. Also fights are welcomed (it makes RPing more interesting) just make sure whoever you fight is OK with you fighting with their character.
Anyone interested?

Character Outline: (so people can introduce themselves to you)
Background Information:
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I'll join

Name: Avera
Age: 19
Apperance: 5'7, long black hair, bright blue eyes, tan skin, high cheek bones.
Background Information: Avera's parents are very rich, but she left them when she tried to make her marry some one twice her age. She was trained by an expert swords man, after that she romed the country side, not much is known about her past.
Race: Human
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I forgot to add races such as elves, hobbits, and dwarves are welcome. Don't know how I missed that. Also the inn is run by an elderly woman named, Bethany, and her husband John. If your character requires any assistance for to one of them.

Now for my own character:
Name: Aliora Evenfall (better known as Ali)
Age: 22
Race: Human
Appearance: A tall, brown haired woman with aquamarine eyes. She wears a tattered black cloak with trousers and a leather jerkin to match. She wears black leather gauntlets with a strange insignia on them. She carries a dagger at her side and quiver and bow on her back.
Background: Born into privilege and a noble family, Ali was once in the royal guard, a very prestigious honor. However in a fight with another guard she accidentally wounded another nobleman. She fled from her duties and was labeled a deserter and the royal guard is tirelessly searching for her.
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Name: Sheerania (Sheera)

Age: 46

Race: Elven

Appearance: About 5'11. Blonde, almost silvery hair. Pale, creamy skin, and slanted, bright leaf-green eyes.

Backround: Lives with her father. Mother was killed by an unknown illness. Has a older brother, who is 73. Lives in the Elven City of Rivendell, and loves her home very, very much. Has studied the history of humans, dwarves, and other creatures of the forest and land, and some of the sea.
May I join?

Name: Laina Mainx
Age: 15
Race: Human
Appearance: She has dark brown hair, is about 5' 10", has crystal blue eyes. She also has several scars across her face, hands and arms, all from various battles and 'sticky' situations. She's usually clothed in a dark blue cloak that covers her face, a well worn pair of pants and a dark red shirt that has been sowed back up many times.
Background Information: She has been accused of many crimes, several very serious, some even punishable by death. Even though she has been wrongly accused, she is now running from the law and is currently resting at the inn.
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Name: Kitanna (ah my name sake)
Age: Old, though unknown to all but herself
Race: Half-elven
Appearance: 6'1" with long black hair she keeps pulled into a bun. Purple eyes. Looks no older than seventeen.
Background: Older than even the wisest. A nomad going from place to place offering what she can to others. She carries a sword around her belt and usually wears travelstained clothes. Her bow and quiver are kept with her horse and saddle in the stable.

And a minor character I add so that some men are present at the inn.

Name: Henry Ravens
Age: 15
Race: Human
Apeearance: A young man of 6'2" who has red hair and blue eyes. Wears simple farmer's clothes.
Background: Henry left his life as a farmer to pursue a life of adventure. So far nothing has presented itself.
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I'd like to join, Nikia.

Name: Aries.
Age: 22
Race: Human.
Appearance: Dark brown hair, cut short so it doesn't get in her way. Tanned, green eyes, with one scar over her right eye. (kind of looks likes Scar's scar in the Lion

Background Information: Grew up in squalor; when she was 10 her parents died and she lived off of what she could rustle up. She apprenticed herself to various men and women over the years, learning the skills she now has. She's a mercenary of sorts. Her sense of honor is loose.
I'm going to write the first narration, so please invite people to join if you know anyone who would be interested.
* * * *

It was late morning and the innkeeper Bethany was preparing the lunch special while her husband, John, worked in the common room greeting guests and seeing to their needs. The weather was pleasant and only a few clouds floated through the skies. A moderate wind was blowing. The mood in the inn was as pleasant as the weather outside.

* * * *

Ali sat by the fireplace. No fire was lit at the moment. It was far too nice a day for a fire. The girl watched the other guests moving about the inn.
OOC: Yippee!

IC: Laina quietly entered into the inn, being careful to keep her face unseen. She looked around the room, there were a few people just enjoying themselves, but there was one woman that caught her attention. She was sitting by the fireplace ever so casually, but there was something about her that just made her stand out from all the rest.
Ali saw the young woman enter the Twilight Princess. She glanced Ali's way, but Ali ignored the look. It seemed the innkeeper John also saw her enter.

* * * *

John walked up to the woman and smiled politely, "Will you be needing anything ma'am? A room or tea perhaps? If its a meal you're looking for the missus will have lunch out in an hour."
"A room for the night would be nice, thank you." Laina said, keeping her voice low so that no one would recognize it, not that she expected anybody to.

OOC: Yay! We are already on number ten!
Ali watched John the innkeeper give a key to the newcomer. He was always on the ball. Ali had been at the inn a few weeks, resting from her journey and John always greeted the guests as they entered and had everything ready for them. If it was possible she would stay there forever. It was a shame it couldn't be that way.
"Again, thank you." Laina said, quietly taking the key and heading toward her room. She could almost feel someone's eyes watching her every move. She breathed a deep breath once she was in her room. She knew that she was safe, for the time being.
The woman was gone. Ali returned her gaze to a group of men in the corner playing cards. Most were regulars from what she could tell, but one was new and he worried her. Had the past come to the inn?
OOC: Ooh...

IC: Laina quietly looked out her window, ready for any sign of them. She looked up at the beautiful sky and sighed. She had been running away for so long, she hardly even remembered the last time she felt safe enough to just sit and enjoy the beauty of nature or have herself a real meal with meat and bread.
Name: Aeran (pronounced the same as "Aaron")

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Race: Half-Celestial

Appearance: Aeran is a very tall, very androgynous youth of slender figure, with knee-length, golden-blonde hair; pale skin; clear-blue eyes. His wardrobe consists of a simple, blue robe, over which he wears a hooded, white cloak; he also wears sandals and a white belt.

Personality: Aeran is a kind, calm-mannered individual, always trying to help those in need, and always speaking in soft tones. He is also quite pacifistic, and only uses violence as a last resort, no matter how much he deplores it. When mistaken for a female (which is often), Aeran kindly corrects the person who called him one, and lets it be at that. He tends to act somewhat effeminate, but this isn't intentional.

History: Aeran was born of a mortal mother and a Celestial father, and as such, was born extraordinarily beautiful (in the feminine sense of the word), and of naturally Good alignment. His mother raised him alone, but despite this, they lived happily. As Aeran grew, he wanted to pursue a career as a Cleric, and though his mother was reluctant at first, she agreed. Thus, he was sent off to study under a priest, Father Sarael. Surprisingly, Aeran mastered White magic very quickly, and left Father Sarael when he had nothing else left to teach him. The youth now wanders the land, trying to find those need his services.

Job: Aeran is a skilled Cleric.

Weapon(s): Aeran uses a long, wooden staff.
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Kitanna entered the inn simply looking for a place to rest her feet. She had been here before, long ago when the elderly couple was young and newlyweds. It was unlikely they even remembered her. Still she quietly entered and evaded the attention of John, slipping silently to a table nearest the window.
Sheera glanced around the inn. It was beautiful, and she loved it already. She didn't know how long she'd be here for, but she didn't mind. She kept her hood down, a far too nice of a day to have it up, prtecting her keen eyes and ears.
John saw the new woman arrive, she put down her hood and entered. She seemed pleased with her choice of the Twilight Princess.

"Good morning miss, will you be needing anything?" The smile never left John's face as he went through his usual greeting routine.

OOC: I am referring to Sheera incase there is any confusion
OOC: I had guessed, but thank you for specifying.

IC: Laina quietly began to hum a tune that she had learned when she was little. She couldn't remember the words, only the tune. She sighed after she finished the song, whenever she sang it or hummed it she felt like she was home. Feeling a little better she decided to go and get something to eat. She quietly exited her room and walked out to the dining room. The room was filled with delicious smells of cooking and baking.