Twilight Princess Inn RPG

Ali looked at the boy with raised eyebrows. "Are you some sort of bard then?" However, she did not want to discourage his singing. If he roused the others in the inn she could sneak off without being noticed by Robert at least. "Sing on bard, sing on."
Laina raised her eyebrow and looked at Ali out of the corner of her eye. If she's needing a distraction of that sort...Her thoughts trailed off for a moment as she began to listen to some of the other table's conversations.
Henry smiled at the return of Aries and felt a bit weary when Ali rejoined them as well. "Productive talk?" He asked innocently.
Kitanna regarded Taz with confusion. "But where you came from is a part of you. How can you simply not care?"

Taz shrugged. "I just don't." he said, defensively. "Anyways, where are you from?"
Kitanna shurgged, "I'm not really from anywhere. My home is where I am."
"I'm not so great at singing, but I was hoping one of you was. And I can locate a flute of something in this inn and accompany you." Henry said.
Those with him seemed slightly interested, but it was Ali's interest that surprised and worried him the most.
Kitanna shurgged, "I'm not really from anywhere. My home is where I am."
"I'm not so great at singing, but I was hoping one of you was. And I can locate a flute of something in this inn and accompany you." Henry said.
Those with him seemed slightly interested, but it was Ali's interest that surprised and worried him the most.

Aries put her hands as if to ward off a blow. "Don't ask me to sing. You'd all be running for the hills--when I try to sing I sound like a dying cow!"
Ali crossed her feet under the table. She wanted this distraction so she could hide out in her room for the next few days. "I have a fiddle in my room if if of you wish to play it.

* * * *

It is late afternoon, the storm is in full force. Supper is a couple hours away.
Kitanna said:
Henry laughed, "I promise my singing is no better."
Aries smiled. "No one's singing can be as bad as my own." Though she spoke to Henry Aries watched Ali out of the corner of her eye.
Robert watched the goings on of the table Ali sat at. She was encouraging the young man to sing and start some sort of party in the inn. Robert silently cursed Ali, she was trying to sneak out, he was positive.
"Well, if any of you decide to start singing, I have no doubt I will be aware of it, but until then, I will be in my room." Laina said, getting up and starting in the direction for her room.