Twilight Princess Inn RPG

Kitanna looked up at Taz and smiled. Her purple eyes shined and she was happy to have some company. "My name is Kitanna, please have a seat."
It is now mid-afternoon at the inn. The storm clouds that had seemed so far away are now on the doorstep on the Twilight Princess. There a few sounds of rolling thunder in the distance, a storm will break by late afternoon for sure.

* * * *

There was a low rumbling of thunder and Ali realized her afternoon ride in the woods by the inn would no longer be possible. She sighed and looked long and hard at Aries. She needed to speak to this woman alone and soon.

"It sounds as though a thunderstorm is on its way. I should check on my horse to see she is alright." Ali rose and headed for the stables, hoping Aries would follow. If Robert had hired, which Ali had no doubt, she would follow until the job was done.
Aries hated this. Now how am I supposed to follow without being completely suspicious?! Aries took a deep breath and excused herself from the table. I guess it don't matter, if she figures it out or not. She's already suspicious. Still Aries was cautious as she followed Ali to the stable. Keeping herself in the shadows.
Laina looked up to the sound of another roll of thunder. "I-I need to go check on something." She said, getting up and bowing slightly, making sure that her back was to the guard.
The table had been full when Henry join Aries. Now the girl Ali was gone and with her Aries had followed. Now not even the elf who was with Ali remained. "Well this is fun." He said to no one in particular.
Aries had followed, as she expected. Ali walked into the stall where her stallion was kept. She waited a moment before speaking. "I know you followed me," She said calmly, waiting for Aries to show herself.
Laina walked out of the inn, the darkening skies practically welcoming her as she stepped through the door. She took a few steps, then turned around real quickly to make sure no one was watching. Once she was sure that there was no one, she darted off into the woods, climbing up an old tree with ease. She soon reached the top, a place where she knew she was safe. Breathing a quick sigh of relief, she pulled down her hood and pulled a necklace out of a hidden pouch. She gazed at it with joy, at last, she had it back. She carefully put it on and tucked it underneath her shirt, she didn't want to risk losing it, not again.
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Aries had followed, as she expected. Ali walked into the stall where her stallion was kept. She waited a moment before speaking. "I know you followed me," She said calmly, waiting for Aries to show herself.

Aries had known that Ali knew, but she didn't move a muscle, or give any indication of where she was at first. That blasted.. Aries' thoughts trailed off and she stepped out. "You wanted me to follow, didn't you?" Aries had both her hands behind her back, but they were both gripping throwing knives in case Ali made any hostile movements.
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Sheera sat at a table. Her hood pulled far over her face, so it was swallowed in darkness. She could see everything that was going on in the inn, and Morph was outside, sitting in a tree. She would have to keep her eyes out for the Guard, but at that moment int time, she had no worries about them. They didn't travel during storms anyway, and one was definitely approaching...
Ali pulled a brush from its tack on the wall and began brushing down her horse. No doubt Aries had some weapon she was ready to pull. There was no need for weapons, not yet. If they came to blows Ali didn't want any blood shed.

Ali put the brush on an upturned barrel. She undid her belt that held her two throwing daggers and she placed on it on the far side of the stall. She bent down and removed the dagger she kept in her left boot and placed it with the others. She kept her sword and bow within her room to avoid drawing attention.

"Now I'm unarmed she said," Ali said as she resumed the brushing, "I hope you do the same or this conversation will go nowhere."
Kitanna watched Taz thoughtfully. "Bored you say? I'd suggest going out to walk around, but it sounds as though a storm is coming through. So tell me about yourself, Taz."
Taz thought for a moment. "Well, I'm half human, half elf; that's why I'm so...handsome." he said, smiling in a smug way. "And I'm the best at most everything!" he smiled widely showing his perfect white teeth. "You?"
Ali pulled a brush from its tack on the wall and began brushing down her horse. No doubt Aries had some weapon she was ready to pull. There was no need for weapons, not yet. If they came to blows Ali didn't want any blood shed.

Ali put the brush on an upturned barrel. She undid her belt that held her two throwing daggers and she placed on it on the far side of the stall. She bent down and removed the dagger she kept in her left boot and placed it with the others. She kept her sword and bow within her room to avoid drawing attention.

"Now I'm unarmed she said," Ali said as she resumed the brushing, "I hope you do the same or this conversation will go nowhere."

Aries narrowed her eyes at Ali's back. She didn't fully trust this woman. Never-the-less, she removed the two straps that criss-crossed over her chest and contained most of her weapons. Then she unbuckled her other belt. She dropped the three items on the ground and kicked them behind her. She still had one short sword at her side, just in case. "And what conversation is this that you are planning to have?"
Ali was completely aware that Aries still held some weapons, but she wanted to get this over with and go on with her life. "The conversation about Robert and how much he's paying you."
Taz thought for a moment. "Well, I'm half human, half elf; that's why I'm so...handsome." he said, smiling in a smug way. "And I'm the best at most everything!" he smiled widely showing his perfect white teeth. "You?"

Sheera, who wasn't sitting too far away, and with her listening, snickered. "Half elves..." she muttered, and continued to listen.
Maybe he's changed his name, Ali thought. "The man who is paying you to watch me. And don't try to act like you're not being paid to talk to me. I want to know how much you're being paid, it will benefit you greatly to just tell me."
"Humility is something you could do well to learn," Kitanna said, "I too am a half-elf." She paused for a moment, thinking of something else to talk about. "And where do you come from?"