Twilight Princess Inn RPG

Aries didn't like that smirk, it knew to much. "Oh? And what is the land up there like? I've never been north...and all the stories I've heard are full of supersticion." This time she was telling the truth, and she really was interested.
OOC: Sorry I didn't post sooner, I was on a trip...

IC: Laina kept quiet, she'd rather not draw much attention to herself.
Ali shook her head, "There was some superstition amongst the lower class of people in the north, but I never saw much in the nobles. Though if you are truly curious I will have to think for a few minutes about it all."
Ali shook her head, "There was some superstition amongst the lower class of people in the north, but I never saw much in the nobles. Though if you are truly curious I will have to think for a few minutes about it all."

Aries relaxed in her chair, as though she were settling in for a long story. "Please continue." Maybe this will keep her occupied till that man makes his move. How much longer is it going to take him?
Ali tried to recall all she had heard when she was still in the Royal Guard. Many in the market feared ghosts and lost spirits and used strange methods to ward them off. The noble class had never bothered with any of it, labeling it hocus pocus.

"Many believed if a person died in the river their soul was lost and they would wait to drag others down to the same fate."
Ali shrugged. "Just one of the things I overheard in the city up north. Other superstitions people spouted involved animals born on full moons and how they brought bad luck."
"Yeah, no kidding" Laina said, almost smirking. "What? I'm agreeing with you." She asked, looking at everyone.

Aries narrowed her eyes. "Why the smirk, lady? Do you know something of these beliefs we don't?" Aries felt dislike growing inside her against this woman. She had no rational explanation, but resolved to keep a close eye on her.
Aries narrowed her eyes. "Why the smirk, lady? Do you know something of these beliefs we don't?" Aries felt dislike growing inside her against this woman. She had no rational explanation, but resolved to keep a close eye on her.
"Not really, I do know a few animals that were born on a full moon. If you ask me, they're quite...Shall I say friendly. Of course if you were to ask them, you probably wouldn't ask anything else, or even continue to breath." Laina said, watching the mercenary with stern eyes, ready to protect herself if she needed to.
OOC: I suppose I could walk over and talk to you, or you could decide to come over to us, either way, just let me know, or actually us.
ooc: ok, im someone in this rpg, but no one is talking to me! :(

OOC: Just go up to someone and introduce yourself. I believe Kitanna's other character (named Kitanna) is unoccupied at the moment.

Henry returned to the inn and was pleased to see Aries had gotten Ali at a table and was talking her up. Now he would just have to wait a while.

* * * *

Ali ignored Aries and Laina for the moment as she noticed Henry returning to his card game.

She turned back to the Laina and Aries and felt the tensions rising. "I also heard from the common folk that shooting stars represent the souls of those who died in battle."
...Ali ignored Aries and Laina for the moment as she noticed Henry returning to his card game.

She turned back to the Laina and Aries and felt the tensions rising. "I also heard from the common folk that shooting stars represent the souls of those who died in battle."...
Laina's skin began to crawl, something was very wrong. She could almost feel the guards eyes watching them. She very carefully reached up and pulled her hood a little bit lower, trying to remain calm. I need a plan... She thought, chewing her lip, completely ignoring the others at the table.
Sheera looked around. Morph zoomed out of the biulding, off somewhere. Sheera had listened to many conversations, and now, her plan was beginnning to go haywire. What can I do? I can't visit them, and I can't stay here much longer...