Twilight Princess Inn RPG

Maybe he's changed his name, Ali thought. "The man who is paying you to watch me. And don't try to act like you're not being paid to talk to me. I want to know how much you're being paid, it will benefit you greatly to just tell me."

Aries had no intention of making this conversation go easily. "How exactly will it benefit me?" In spite of herself she was interested, it wouldn't have been the first time she'd played double-agent.
Aries weighed this carefuly in her mind, there was no harm in it. "You wish to know how much I am being payed? He gave me 20 gold pieces, with the promise of more when he catches you."
Ali laughed coldly. "The twenty pieces is all you'll ever see. Even if that fool catches me he will not surrender his reward money to you. He is in the royal guard, it is considered beneath him to pay someone to do his dirty work. And you could try to fight him for your share, but if you succede you will spend the rest of your days fighting the entire royal guard. I suggest you ditch this effort and keep the twenty pieces. If you do I will pay you fifty pieces of gold."
Aries smiled. "Did you think I didn't know that he wouldn't pay me later? I am a mercenary, I am used to not getting what I am promised, but I decided that the 20 pieces I did get would be well worth it. I'm no fool." Aries paused, "You will pay me 50 more just to leave?" Her eyes narrowed, she didn't know that she trusted either Robert or Ali.
"You do not have to leave the inn or even stop talking to me if your little heart desires to do so, I am paying you fifty pieces to not report anything to Robert. And if you agree I will give it to you all now, but only if I have your word you will not turn me over to Robert. And if you do turn me over after I pay you I will kill you or die trying."
OOC: Dun dun dun!

IC: Laina looked back up at the still darkening sky, the storm was near, and it would soon hit. Laina took a deep breath and pulled her hood back up, trying to make sure that her face was unrecognizable. She then climbed down the tree, jumping off the last branch and landing near the base. Another roll of thunder and a flash of lightning filled the skies as Laina began to walk back toward the inn.
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"You do not have to leave the inn or even stop talking to me if your little heart desires to do so, I am paying you fifty pieces to not report anything to Robert. And if you agree I will give it to you all now, but only if I have your word you will not turn me over to Robert. And if you do turn me over after I pay you I will kill you or die trying."

Little heart desires? What does she think I am? A small child on an outing? Aries considered the rest of what Ali said. Robert wants me to occupy her, not to get information, as she thinks. I can do both, she said I could continue to talk to her. I could get her 50 pieces, and Robert's 20...and if he does pay me, which is doubtful, I might have more...But then there is, of course, the threat of death. Hmmmm. I have no doubt she'll try to kill me, but will she be able to with Robert doing whatever it is he'll be doing? And do I want to risk it? Aries took a deep breath, sometimes being a mercenary required more brain-work than she'd like to do. She said nothing to Ali...she still wanted to think.
"Think about it and we'll talk after we've eaten dinner. Think real hard, seventy pieces of gold, assuming Robert paid you that at least, for doing nothing. Few people could turn that down." Ali picked up her weapons, put the horse's brush down, and left the stable.

She returned to her seat and sat across Henry, who seemed confused due to everyone's absence.
Aries snatched her weapons up from the ground and moved briskly back to the Inn, buckling her belts on as she went. She was still deep in thought as she dropped back into her seat. Shaking her head she grinned broadly at Henry and said "I'm back. Did you miss me?"
Henry smiled at the return of Aries and felt a bit weary when Ali rejoined them as well. "Productive talk?" He asked innocently.
Kitanna regarded Taz with confusion. "But where you came from is a part of you. How can you simply not care?"
Laina entered the inn, right as a cold breeze filled the air surrounding her. She shivered slightly as she stepped into the dining room, and sat down by the others.
Ali looked at Laina and nodded to her as she rejoined them. She then turned her attention to Henry. "It was as productive as any talk could be."

* * * *

Henry saw the return of Ali and Aries. What had they been up to? What was Ali doing? He would have to make a move sooner than he had hoped.
Ali looked at Laina and nodded to her as she rejoined them. She then turned her attention to Henry. "It was as productive as any talk could be."...
Laina nodded slightly, she was still thinking about the weather, and the necklace she finally had in her possession, after searching for such a long period of time. She could feel Sheera watching her, but she did not look up. She didn't want to risk losing it again.
Henry felt a bit tense at the table. Everyone seemed to have something else on their mind. He wanted to make those seated around him smile, just a bit, especially since the weather was so nasty out. That helped in dragging down moods.
"Anyone up for a song to liven the inn a bit?"
Henry felt a bit tense at the table. Everyone seemed to have something else on their mind. He wanted to make those seated around him smile, just a bit, especially since the weather was so nasty out. That helped in dragging down moods.
"Anyone up for a song to liven the inn a bit?"

Laina, again, did not look up. Instead, she stared at her hands, still thinking about everything that had recently occurred, and trying to decipher their meanings and why they had happened.
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Kitanna said:
Henry felt a bit tense at the table. Everyone seemed to have something else on their mind. He wanted to make those seated around him smile, just a bit, especially since the weather was so nasty out. That helped in dragging down moods."Anyone up for a song to liven the inn a bit?"

Aries, too, was anxious for some release from the tension. "Yes, are you going to sing for us?"