Twilight Princess Inn RPG

ooc: Thanks

ic: Merla stumbled through the door of the inn, blinking. There was dirt and dried tear stains on her face. Swaying tiredly, she looked for an empty table.
Kitanna gave up drawing the attention of either the man or the woman. They were welcome with her, but they seemed preoccupied for the moment. She sat back in her chair and looked around. John was busy and from the smells emitting from the kitchen Bethany was almost ready with lunch.
The door swung open and a young woman stumbled in. Kitanna almost bound from her chair. She looked a mess, she looked like she needed help. Kitanna slowly rose and quickly shuffled across the inn to her side.
"My dear," She said, "Are you alright?"
Sheera nodded, seeing a reflection in the bowl. She disconnected the connection, and went downstairs, sitting at a table with another person in it. "MayI sit here?" she asked, politely, double checking in her mind she had all the right words....

Ali watched the woman take a seat away from the crowds, just like herself. Then she noticed the man, the newcomer, playing cards, he was watching her over his hand. She needed someone to sit with someone. Just until that man went home for the night. Ali sighed and rose from her seat. She waltzed to the corner the woman had situated herself.

"Lunch is no time for people to be alone." Alie hoped she wouldn't be able to see past her fake kindness. This woman seemed to be running from something as well, hopefully even if she saw through Ali she'd still sit with her. Those fleeing from the past needed company. "Care to join me at my table by the fire?"

ooc: yeah...:D
OOC: ;) Thanks. ;) Why am I so popular all of a sudden? ;)

IC: "Um..." Laina shifted in her seat. She had no idea of what to say.
"My name is Henry Ravens, ma'am." He bowed a bit and extended his hand to Aries, happily. His smile grew when he realized this woman seemed to brighten when he talked to her.

Aries smile broadened again. Something about this young man was intriguing her. She didn't know why.

At that point a woman with a tear stained face walked in. Aries drew one of her knives instinctively. But when someone else got up to help the girl, Aries re-sheathed her knife and turned back to Henry.

"Let us sit." Aries said to Henry. "I've been walking for the past 24 hours, I need a rest."
Henry led the way to a table in the middle of the common room. He pulled out Aries' seat for her and bad her sit. When she was seated he took the chair across from her and sat. He felt he was smiling like an idiot, but he loved meeting new people so much he could barely help himself.
"Please tell me about yourself, Aries." He hoped he didn't sound or look as much a fool as he felt."
Henry led the way to a table in the middle of the common room. He pulled out Aries' seat for her and bad her sit. When she was seated he took the chair across from her and sat. He felt he was smiling like an idiot, but he loved meeting new people so much he could barely help himself.
"Please tell me about yourself, Aries." He hoped he didn't sound or look as much a fool as he felt."

Aries smile slowly shrunk. She wasn't upset by the question, unlike some she had no problem talking about her past. She just wasn't sure how wise that would be, given the circumstances she was in. Shaking her head Aries began her story.

"There is not much to tell, my parents died when I was 10. Since then I've fended for myself." She said it quickly and quietly. "But, what of you?"
Seeing that the other woman, Sheera, was looking to sit with the woman she came to get Ali sighed. The more the merrier, "Sheera, Laina, how about both you join me at my table? Bethany usually serves lunch in that direction first so we'll get the best pick on biscuits."

She hoped this worked. The card player was still watching her over his hand. He was up to no good.
"I'm just a silly farmer's son looking for adventure. My da wanted me to settle down after the harvest and get married. I simply couldn't handle that. So I took to the road for a while. So here I am. And now I feel bad just leaving my da and ma like that, hearing that your parents died when you were so little."
Seeing that the other woman, Sheera, was looking to sit with the woman she came to get Ali sighed. The more the merrier, "Sheera, Laina, how about both you join me at my table? Bethany usually serves lunch in that direction first so we'll get the best pick on biscuits."

She hoped this worked. The card player was still watching her over his hand. He was up to no good.

"umm..." Sheera said, looking over to Liana. She needed to talk to her. Soon. "D oy ouwish?" she asked, wishing that her Elven accent would go away, being around humans...
Sheera sensed something about the girl. She fit the description perfectly. "You're Laina?" she asked, her instinct getting the better of her.
Laina looked the Elf over. She doesn't look like a guard or soldier... She thought. "Maybe, why do you ask?"

Seeing that the other woman, Sheera, was looking to sit with the woman she came to get Ali sighed. The more the merrier, "Sheera, Laina, how about both you join me at my table? Bethany usually serves lunch in that direction first so we'll get the best pick on biscuits."

She hoped this worked. The card player was still watching her over his hand. He was up to no good.
Laina looked at the woman then back at the Elf. "Sure, why not." She said, getting up from her seat.
"I'm just a silly farmer's son looking for adventure. My da wanted me to settle down after the harvest and get married. I simply couldn't handle that. So I took to the road for a while. So here I am. And now I feel bad just leaving my da and ma like that, hearing that your parents died when you were so little."

Aries let the smile return. "You are not very old then? Still young enough to long for the impracticalities of adventure?" Aries smile returned to its fullest, letting Henry know that she was half joking about 'impracticalities'.
Sheera's voice sounded in Laina's mind. I am no soldier or guard, nor do I mean you any harm. I'll, hopefully, talk to you later, in more secure areas....

she also got up from her seat, not looking at Laina.
"Just fifteen," Henry tried to wipe his stupid grin from his face. "Just the age my grandda was when he took to the road. Kept telling me that is how he met my grandma."
Henry smiled thinking about his grandda. The old man had died only two months before. Henry had decided to go on an adventure like the man he most admired. He knew the man would have approved.
Sheera's voice sounded in Laina's mind. I am no soldier or guard, nor do I mean you any harm. I'll, hopefully, talk to you later, in more secure areas....

she also got up from her seat, not looking at Laina.
Laina looked at Sheera out of the corner of her eye, then she just shrugged it off.
"Just fifteen," Henry tried to wipe his stupid grin from his face. "Just the age my grandda was when he took to the road. Kept telling me that is how he met my grandma."
Henry smiled thinking about his grandda. The old man had died only two months before. Henry had decided to go on an adventure like the man he most admired. He knew the man would have approved.
Aries nodded again. "You admire your grandda, I see. I never had anyone to emulate. You should not feel bad about following him..." Aries laughed then. "But you should not take advice from me! For I am not one who is respected." As if finding something funny in that Aries laid her head on her arm and laughed to herself.
Lunch is served
The weather was staying pleasant, but it seems a storm may blow through in a few hours. Clouds have begun to form in the distance. Bethany rings the meal bell and with the help of a few kitchen helpers she begins to bring forth trays of soup, biscuits, and cold meat.

* * * *

Ali sighed with relief and led the two back to her table. She was not a moment too soon. Bethany was just coming out with lunch. The other two didn't look excited to be moving to her table, but she could care less. She only needed to through the man with the cards off for a while.

* * * *

Robert watched Aliora Evenfall led two other women to her table by the fireplace. He needed her to be alone, out of everyone's thought and mind. She was clever though, she knew he was watching and so she was keeping people close to her at all times.
It seemed the moment belonged to two people who were old and dear friends and so when Aries laughed he was completely lost. "You look respectable, even if others are too stupid to see it. People say our family isn't respectable simply because we're poor farmers."