Twilight Princess Inn RPG

It seemed the moment belonged to two people who were old and dear friends and so when Aries laughed he was completely lost. "You look respectable, even if others are too stupid to see it. People say our family isn't respectable simply because we're poor farmers."

Aries' head came up. "That is stupid. Farmers are the leg every country stands on. Without them there is no food. But I am not respectable because of my line of work...I am not a farmer nor anything else worth being." On an impulse Aries added "I'm a mercenary."
Henry's eyes grew as large as the plates the cook was passing out. "A mercenary." He knew that mercenaries could be big trouble, selling their services to the highest bidder as they did, but in his still teenage mind he thought how exciting that would be. "Makes my life seem to incredibly dull." He finally blurted out, still amazed that the woman sitting across from him was a mercenary.
As Henry was staring helplessly at Aries, an elderly woman set two plates down on their table. The food smelled excellent, but he wanted to hear more from Aries before he ate.
Lunch is served
...Ali sighed with relief and led the two back to her table. She was not a moment too soon. Bethany was just coming out with lunch. The other two didn't look excited to be moving to her table, but she could care less. She only needed to through the man with the cards off for a while.
Laina stepped over and seated herself with her back turned to the card playing men. She had noticed one of them a bit earlier and had recognized him as a guard.
Henry's eyes grew as large as the plates the cook was passing out. "A mercenary." He knew that mercenaries could be big trouble, selling their services to the highest bidder as they did, but in his still teenage mind he thought how exciting that would be. "Makes my life seem to incredibly dull." He finally blurted out, still amazed that the woman sitting across from him was a mercenary.
As Henry was staring helplessly at Aries, an elderly woman set two plates down on their table. The food smelled excellent, but he wanted to hear more from Aries before he ate.

Aries blinked. This was not the response she'd anticipated; honest, respectable folk usually drew weapons on her, others who needed her services usually did, too--waiting, to seek her out when there were none around. Unsure of how to react Aries motioned for the boy to eat.

After a long pause Aries finally managed to say "Dull?"
"Very dull. I mean, waking up with the sun, plowing, planting, weeding, pulling, going in when the sun sets, having dinner, sleeping, doing it all over the next day." Henry broke off a piece of a biscuit and popped it in his mouth. "Not even remotely exciting, especially knowing that I'm seated across a mecenary now. So what it's like? He wanted to know whatever Aries was willing to tell him.
Ali glanced once more at the man with the cards. She turned back to Sheera and Laina. "Where are you ladies from?" She could tell they were elves, but since few elves dared to venture near the Twilight Princess she chose to keep that fact alone.
ooc: Got to Go.

Aries suddenly felt flustered. She'd been up against more intimidating men than this boy and yet he'd totally put her on the defensive. "He probably doesn't even realize it." Aries thought.

Shrugging Aries bit into her own biscut. "Its...well, I don't know. Not scary, but I get run out of town a lot...with pitchforks and torches." She winked at Henry as she added that last bit.
Laina wasn't sure what to answer. She didn't have a home and any mention of her name in the town she grew up in would end up with some serious consequences. "Another small town, much like this one." She said, taking a bite of the meat.
Henry smiled, "I'm sure if you came near the town we lived near my da would be one of those wielding a pitchfork and my mas with the torch." He picked up his spoon and took some of his soup. "It's probably a lonely life though, right? I can't imagine many people trust mercenaries."
Henry smiled, "I'm sure if you came near the town we lived near my da would be one of those wielding a pitchfork and my mas with the torch." He picked up his spoon and took some of his soup. "It's probably a lonely life though, right? I can't imagine many people trust mercenaries."

Aries nodded as she twirled her spoon through the stew. "They trust us only as far as they must...which is about half as far as they can throw us. So yes, lonely it is. But I enjoy my own company, have since I was a child. My mother used to say that--" Aries choked on a piece of meat, and blinked her eyes several times to keep them from welling up, she hoped that Henry didn't see that..."..Used to say that I'd end up a spinster. I don't think she'd be much happier with the life I have now."
Ali had made them uncomfortable. She usually didn't feel bad, but she did this time. She shouldn't have dragged them away from their table, but the man was just waiting to get her. Still...

"If my questions or even I make you uncomfortable, I understand if you wish to seek another table."
"Um, actually I'd rather stay put for a while." Laina said, taking another bite of her meat. I haven't had a meal this delicious or well prepared since... She trailed off in her thoughts.
Henry noticed the tears welling, but he decided it was best not to say anything about. Clearly it was a private issue for Aries. He smiled again, taking another bite of his biscuit. "Ya know parents always can manage to think the worst of their children's choices, but they are still proud or at least still love them deep down. Even if they don't say it." His own father had never once expressed love or pride in Henry. He doubted his father's love, but he wanted Aries to smile again.
Ali smiled, cracking a smile that was so very rare for her. Safety, at least for a little while. She could tell at least Laina was running from something. She was not sure about Sheera. She wanted to ask, but it was none of her business.

"Enjoying Bethany's famous biscuits? I've been to many inns and I've never had meals as wonderful as Bethany's."
Henry noticed the tears welling, but he decided it was best not to say anything about. Clearly it was a private issue for Aries. He smiled again, taking another bite of his biscuit. "Ya know parents always can manage to think the worst of their children's choices, but they are still proud or at least still love them deep down. Even if they don't say it." His own father had never once expressed love or pride in Henry. He doubted his father's love, but he wanted Aries to smile again.

"I guess." Aries said slowly. She tried, but could not get the smile back. "I had a friend, who grew up on a farm. He had some of the most hilarious stories...surely, you too, have amusing stories to share?"
Henry thought for a moment. No one ever found his stories amusing or even remotely funny, but he would try. "I once rode a cow naked through the town near us, straight through the market. Imagine skinny old me riding a fat, brown cow and all the old ladies covering their eyes and children pointing. The mayor's wife hit me square in the chest with a rotten tomato. After that the flood gates opened and before I knew it angry women were hurling produce at me. Trying to get a cow to gallop like a horse is no easy task."
Aries did laugh at that. "Wait, is there some standard jokes that all farm boys tell? Because I think my friend told me something similar once!" Aries, who was easily amused, and cheered, was back to her grinning self once again.
Henry shrugged, glad she was smiling again. "I was the first do do that in our town, but my cousin put the idea in my head having witnessed the same thing in a village twenty miles from ours. And then of course there are some things most farmboys do, simply to cause a bit of trouble and have a bit of fun."