Twilight Princess Inn RPG

Sheera came to a small creek, runnning by the Inn. She gazed into it, and smiled, as a man's reflection came into view. "are you alright?" he asked, and Sheera nodded. "Quite. But, I think I have found her. Also, another woman is running from the Guards. HEr name is Laina, and I think she is the one. I haven't told her anyhting yet, though. As for the other? I shall talk to her also." she msiled, just imagining anyone walking by at this time, to see her talking in Elvish to a stream. "See you at home." he said, and the reflection disappeared.
Henry nodded, trying to be quite serious, "Mud pies, good for eating, good marking." He thought how ridiculous he must sound and cracked a goofy smile. "How long do you plan to stay here?"
Kitanna led the tear stained woman toward the tables. She saw the man was seated and eating alone. She hoped she wasn't overstepping her bounds by leading this woman around. "If you don't mind, let us sit with that lonely gentleman."
She strode up to the man and smiled sincerly, bowing her head slightly, "May we join you?"

OOC: Your Sister Lila , I hope you don't mind me using Merla.

Aeran was about to return to his soup when a young woman approached him. She asked him if she and a friend could join him, and he nodded, a warm smile crossing his delicate face. "Of course you may! I like having people to talk to." He motioned to the two empty seats at the table, and watched as the woman brought the other one and sat down. Aeran then blushed with embarrassment. "Oh! How rude of me not to introduce myself! I'm Aeran, a Cleric. What are your names?" he asked.
Ali smiled coyly, "I see you do not trust me, quite understandable." It didn't really matter, as long as Laina at least stayed seated for a while. "But you have nothing to fear from me," she cut her eyes to Robert, "He is someone to worry about."
OOC: Most people start off entering into the inn.

IC: "I'm aware that he's been watching us." Laina said, looking at the fire. A few moments later she sighed. "I'm sorry I don't trust you, past experiences have taught me to never trust anyone." Laina said, looking at the woman.
ooc: ok!

ic: Taz entered the inn and sat down on one of the bar stool, which happened to move. He rocked back and forth and laugghed. He felt like a kid again.
"I am Kitanna and this is Merla." Kitanna nodded. Merla seemed quiet, but Aeran seemed talkative. This could be a good combination.
Bethany came by with two more plates and placed them in front of Kitanna and Merla. She hoped Bethany's food has lost none of its taste over the last decades. It still smelled as it had years before.
"Please, Aeran, Merla, tell me where you hail from."
Henry frowned, Tomorrow? He hated to see Aries leave his company so soon. "Is there any way I can convince you to stay a few days longer?" He had intended to stay a few days before heading, but he was willing to stay for the delicious food.
Robert chewed thoughtfully on his meat while the other card players babbled on about crops and so forth. Ali needed to be caught and soon. The captain of the guard was getting restless and each day her bounty rose. It already stood at fifty gold coins, by week's end it would be over seventy.

* * * *

Ali sighed and went back to eating. She couldn't make Laina trust her. It really did not matter though. Laina was only needed until another person presented him/herself to sit with.

"Any idea where you're headed after this?"
Henry frowned, Tomorrow? He hated to see Aries leave his company so soon. "Is there any way I can convince you to stay a few days longer?" He had intended to stay a few days before heading, but he was willing to stay for the delicious food.

Aries shrugged. "Do you have need of a mercenary? Or do you know of anyone who needs my services? If not..." she sighed. "If not then I must leave. My purse is quite flat!"
Robert chewed thoughtfully on his meat while the other card players babbled on about crops and so forth. Ali needed to be caught and soon. The captain of the guard was getting restless and each day her bounty rose. It already stood at fifty gold coins, by week's end it would be over seventy.

* * * *

Ali sighed and went back to eating. She couldn't make Laina trust her. It really did not matter though. Laina was only needed until another person presented him/herself to sit with.

"Any idea where you're headed after this?"

"Not really," She said, sipping some of her soup. "Wherever they wont chase me." She added, laughing lightly.
"Well I'm sure someone here is in need of one." Henry looked around and spied an elderly woman eating her soup. "She looks shifty, I'm sure she needs a mercenary."

Aries looked across at the elderly woman. "No, I doubt it. I've only ever been hired by a woman once, and she was young. A pouty, spoiled, jealous, young woman."
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ooc: Nope, my other character looks young, I just made up the elderly woman on to spot.

Henry pointed to a man playing cards (Robert), "What about him?"
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Aries sized Robert up. She twisted her mouth to one side. "Actually, he might be...but, he'll have to approach me. Mercenarys don't actually go looking for work, they just happen to be around at oppertune moments."
"Well he looks like he could use a mercenary's aid." Henry didn't care who needed Aries's help. He just enjoyed her company and wanted her to stay longer than one day.
Aries shrugged and decided to change the subject, there really was nothing more to say. "How long have you been on the road, Henry?"
"Just a few months." He thought for a moment, "Almost five months I'm guessing. I've been losing track of the weeks lately."
"I can understand that sentiment." Ali finished off her biscuit by ducking it in her soup.

Laina inwardly rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I'll bet." She said, finishing her soup. "So, what brought you here?" Laina asked, she was beginning to run out of topics.