Twilight Princess Inn RPG

Laina turned to look at the Elf. "Are you okay?" She asked, half wanting to know what had happened, half curious as to why she was even there.

Sheera looked over the rim of her glass, filled with water. After taking a sip, she nodded. "Perfect." she said. "Though, I really wish that man over there would stop starin..." she said, , nodding slightly towards the man behind them, that was playing poker.
Laina inwardly rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I'll bet." She said, finishing her soup. "So, what brought you here?" Laina asked, she was beginning to run out of topics.
Ali was not sure how she could answer. Obviously this one knew she was running too, her words and actions had given it away, but that didn't mean she should actually tell Laina. Luckily she was saved from answering for the moment.

Sheera returned to them. She said nothing and sat. Laina inquired if she was feeling alright. Ali assumed this Sheera woman mistrusted her far more than Laina did and so she kept her mouth shut, waiting to see what was wrong with Sheera. No need to say anything as of yet.

"I really wish that man over there would stop starin..." Sheera said after taking a sip of her water.

Ali scoffed. "He won't." She said simply.
Sheera looked over the rim of her glass, filled with water. After taking a sip, she nodded. "Perfect." she said. "Though, I really wish that man over there would stop starin..." she said, , nodding slightly towards the man behind them, that was playing poker.

...Ali scoffed. "He won't." She said simply.
OOC: Sorry slow post.

IC: "Yeah, he's going to keep staring as long as we both are sitting here." Laina said, nodding towards the woman.
"More like, he'll keep staring as long as I sit here." Ali took a big swallow from her water, finishing it off. She placed the mug down.

* * * *

Blast you, Aliora, Robert thought.

He had noticed the mercenary enter earlier, if he could enlist her services he'd finally be able to catch Ali off guard. There were two problems with that plan. One being any move he made to talk to the merc woman would alert Ali to his plan and she would waste no time in leaving the inn and he'd have to track her through the wilderness again. Two the stupid farm boy was occupying the merc's time. He obviously only wanted her company whereas Robert wanted her business. He would have to find a way around that problem.
"More like, he'll keep staring as long as I sit here." Ali took a big swallow from her water, finishing it off. She placed the mug down.

* * * *

Blast you, Aliora, Robert thought.

He had noticed the mercenary enter earlier, if he could enlist her services he'd finally be able to catch Ali off guard. There were two problems with that plan. One being any move he made to talk to the merc woman would alert Ali to his plan and she would waste no time in leaving the inn and he'd have to track her through the wilderness again. Two the stupid farm boy was occupying the merc's time. He obviously only wanted her company whereas Robert wanted her business. He would have to find a way around that problem.

"Oh. I see. Have you tried giving him a hard time? That will, as we say, make him look in the mud."
"Sometimes it is best to ignore such stares. They will go away or be blocked out in a time." Ali placed her hand under the table and felt for her dagger that was attached to her belt. She wanted to stop the man's staring, for good.
"Oh. I see. Have you tried giving him a hard time? That will, as we say, make him look in the mud."
"Sometimes it is best to ignore such stares. They will go away or be blocked out in a time." Ali placed her hand under the table and felt for her dagger that was attached to her belt. She wanted to stop the man's staring, for good.
Laina finished her meat, she wasn't going to bother saying anything else just yet.
"You must have been away for many long years to forget your own age, Aries." A part of Henry wished he was the traveler Aries was. He would never survive as a mecenary, but how he longed to take to the road for the rest of his days.
Lunch has ended
It is now early afternoon. Bethany and her kitchen staff move through the common room collecting dishes and tips. Outside the wind is picking up and storm clouds are blowing in from the south. It is probable a storm will hit the Twilight Princess around dinner.

* * * *

Ali placed two silver coins on the table as one of Bethany's kitchen workers came to clear away the dishes. She took the coins gratefully and hurried away, her hands full of dirty dishes.
Sheera nodded, and raised her glass once more. "but, I advise that you do anything drastic. Yet." she said, very well knowing what she was raeching for under the table.

ooc: sorry, slow post...:D
Sheera nodded, and raised her glass once more. "but, I advise that you do anything drastic. Yet." she said, very well knowing what she was raeching for under the table.

ooc: sorry, slow post...:D
"Everyone distrusts everyone, yet we all trust the others that our advice will be heeded." Laina mumbled, sipping some of her water.
Robert was formulating a plan slowly. There were stableboys tending to the horses. Poor boys, willing to do what they could for a piece of silver or gold. He would pay one of them to get the mercenary out of the inn and away from the farm boy. Ali would see him leave and she would breath easier for a moment.

Robert put his cards down, "Gentlemen, I shall be taking my winnings. Perhaps I will return for more after supper is served." He bid the regulars good day and rose from his seat. He moved slowly through the room and out the door.

* * * *

Ali's attention was drawn immediately to the man's sudden movement. She didn't want to seem eager, so she slowly turned her head and watched as he left the inn. What is he up to?
"Everyone distrusts everyone, yet we all trust the others that our advice will be heeded." Laina mumbled, sipping some of her water.

Sheera nodded. "True indeed." she said. "but, if we continue this discussion, we'll be trusted in no time." she also watched Ali's eyes as she watched the man leave.
...Ali's attention was drawn immediately to the man's sudden movement. She didn't want to seem eager, so she slowly turned her head and watched as he left the inn. What is he up to?

Sheera nodded. "True indeed." she said. "but, if we continue this discussion, we'll be trusted in no time." she also watched Ali's eyes as she watched the man leave.
"True." Laina said, sipping some more of her water. "Where ever he's going it can't mean anything good." She said, noticing everyone's sudden attention on the guard.