Twilight Princess Inn RPG

Looks like she and I have the same goal. Kill the time and keep busy with others. Laina thought, smiling a little bit. "Yes, they're delicious." She said, taking a bite of her biscuit then some more of her meat.
"My apologies, miss. No more stories until you are done eating." Henry finished off his biscuit and started to work on the meat. "Surely you must have some amusing stories. It's not all serious work for you is it?"
Robert and the other card players had abandoned their game for Bethany's delicious lunch. He still watched Ali anxiously. He had to find a way to get rid of the other two.

* * * *

Ali sensed the man watching them. He was going to try to chase Sheera and Laina off. That was not going to happen if she could help it. She would have to stir up a real conversation, one that could last a few hours.

"How long do you plan on staying here?"
Aries screwed up her mouth. "I think there might be something funny..." Eating a bit more of the soup she seemed deep in thought. "I can't think of any funny stories at the moment...How very cruel of my memory to not let me remember such things!"
"Well it's hard to believe a person has no funny stories under their belt." Henry felt he should change the subject until Aries could think of something. However, he had never been very good with small talk or conversations with anyone outside his family. Still he wanted to impress her.

OOC: the internet connection is going out so Nikia and I are going to give it a rest for a while. One or both of us will return in half an hour or maybe an hour. So until next time I get on
"Well, this isn't a mercenary story. should do. When I was 5, a friend and I decided we'd bake a cake. My mother was in town and the only thing either of us had ever made were messes and mud pies. So, you can imagine what we put into it! Mud and Rocks being the two main ingredients. After we'd finished with that, we went and collected burnable items, we knew enough to use wood, but we were 5, and couldn't lift heavy logs, so we dragged as much dead sticks from the woods as we could and grass, lots of grass. Somehow we got the fire started, and we got the fire hot--very very hot. When we finally took the cake out (an hour later, after my mother got home and saw the smoke inside the house) it was as hard as a rock! It was no good for eating. So, we used it as the tombstone for the recently dead barn cat." Aries told the story with a straight face. "I went through that town again, some 2 years back, that cake was as good as new. Much better condition than the 2-month-old wooden crosses I saw in the town cemetary."

Aeran hadn't noticed the woman motioning to him; he was too preoccupied with what his first course of action should be. Should he ask for a room, or just take a seat, then ask later? Then it occured to him that he didn't have to ask for a room just yet. These inns were also restaurants, and many people just came to eat, then leave. Aeran must've been too use to sleeping in makeshift shelters to remember what an inn was like.

Drawing back his hood, the light from the fireplace danced on his golden hair as he untucked it from under the hood and let it fall down. Many people found it odd that he grew his hair out so long, but he just liked it that way. Leaning his staff against the wall, Aeran walked slowly to an empty table in the corner of the room and sat down. Since he'd no one to talk to, he might as well sit and wait...


Aeran had been sitting quietly when lunch was served, and a plump woman was bringing around trays of soup and biscuits. The smell filled his nostrils, and made the boy's stomach growl. He'd also forgotten that he hadn't eaten in three days, and a homecooked meal was something he needed. The woman placed the tray in front of him, and, after saying a prayer, dipped the spoon in the soup. He wasn't sure of how it'd taste, but tried it anyway. Surprisingly, it was good, and Aeran couldn't get enough of it.

He gently placed the spoon down next to the bowl and took a bite of the biscuit. It too was delicious. "I must give my compliments once I finish." he thought to himself.
Robert and the other card players had abandoned their game for Bethany's delicious lunch. He still watched Ali anxiously. He had to find a way to get rid of the other two.

* * * *

Ali sensed the man watching them. He was going to try to chase Sheera and Laina off. That was not going to happen if she could help it. She would have to stir up a real conversation, one that could last a few hours.

"How long do you plan on staying here?"

""I do not know." Sheera said, quietly eating the food.
They were hiding things, Ali could sense it. Tension filled the air around her table. "You know, whatever you're running from, I will not turn you in."
Henry nodded, trying to be quite serious, "Mud pies, good for eating, good marking." He thought how ridiculous he must sound and cracked a goofy smile. "How long do you plan to stay here?"
Kitanna led the tear stained woman toward the tables. She saw the man was seated and eating alone. She hoped she wasn't overstepping her bounds by leading this woman around. "If you don't mind, let us sit with that lonely gentleman."
She strode up to the man and smiled sincerly, bowing her head slightly, "May we join you?"

OOC: Your Sister Lila , I hope you don't mind me using Merla.
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ooc: It's fine :)

ic: A piece of Merla's black hair fell into her face. She pushed it behind her ear. "I'm Merla Ryensworth..." Merla said in a quiet, high-pithed voice.
ooc: im just wondering, but can there be boys in the rpg?
ooc: There's already a few boys hanging around, so feel free to add more.

Kitanna smiled warmly, "My name is Kitanna, Merla. You look quite frazzled, join me and this kind young man for lunch, please." Kitanna had always been for helping others and this woman was no exception.
Henry nodded, trying to be quite serious, "Mud pies, good for eating, good marking." He thought how ridiculous he must sound and cracked a goofy smile. "How long do you plan to stay here?"

Aries shifted in her chair. "Unless I find work here, which I doubt, I'll be moving on...tomorrow, probably."
They were hiding things, Ali could sense it. Tension filled the air around her table. "You know, whatever you're running from, I will not turn you in."

Sheera smiled, picking around the mat in the soup, and standing, finished. "I am not running from anyone or anything." she said politely. "I am here.......looking, for someone and something. Now, please, excuse me..." she said, walking out the doors of the in. She desperatly needed to find a lake, stream, or pond.
They were hiding things, Ali could sense it. Tension filled the air around her table. "You know, whatever you're running from, I will not turn you in."

Sheera smiled, picking around the mat in the soup, and standing, finished. "I am not running from anyone or anything." she said politely. "I am here.......looking, for someone and something. Now, please, excuse me..." she said, walking out the doors of the in. She desperatly needed to find a lake, stream, or pond.
IC: Laina watched the Elf leave in a hurry. Then looked back at her the woman, and stared at her with piercing eyes. She had learned to not trust anyone. As much as she wanted to trust her, she just couldn't. "I don't know who you are, but I have a feeling we have a lot more in common than we both know." She quietly whispered.
Ali smiled coyly, "I see you do not trust me, quite understandable." It didn't really matter, as long as Laina at least stayed seated for a while. "But you have nothing to fear from me," she cut her eyes to Robert, "He is someone to worry about."