Twilight Princess Inn RPG

Lunch was to be served within the hour. Ali looked at the empty table before her. Her stomach growled despite the wonderful breakfast she had eaten earlier. She waved John over.

"Miss Ali, what do you need?"

"Just wondering what Bethany has on for lunch."

"A fine vegetable soup in chicken broth, some of her famous biscuits, and cold meat from last night's meal."

Ali nodded, allowing John to greet another guest who had just entered. She scanned the room and saw the young woman who had come in earlier had returned from her room and was looking around.

* * * *

Name: Robert Zita
Age: 30
Race: Human
Appearance: About 5'10" with dirty blond hair and hazel eyes. He usually wears brown trousers and a dark green tunic. He's pretty muscular, but tries to hide it with his tunic.
Background: A member of the royal guard. He's followed Ali to the Twilight Princess Inn and plans to collect the reward for turning her in to the king. He's the newcomer Ali noticed playing cards with the regulars.
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Aries slipped her hands under the straps of her pack; her shoulders were sore because she'd been carrying the pack since early yesterday evening. As she rounded a bend in the road she saw the Twilight Princess and her pace quickend despite her exhaustion.

Aries stopped right before entering the inn and smoothed hair over her right eye. She'd learned that the scar there made her more memorable and in her line of work (mercenary and ocasionally asassin) it was not good to be remembered.

Aries walked through the door to the delicious smells of the inn. Smiling she made her way to the counter.
Henry pushed open the door to the inn and a wave of delicious smells washed over him. The innkeeper looked up at him, busy with another guest and motioned him toward the counter. Henry waltzed over and saw a young woman with her dark hair cut short.
"Hello miss," He said, trying to be as friendly as possible (which wasn't hard for him) "How are you this fine morning?"
Kitanna saw a woman come in and remove her cape. She locked eyes and moved the seat across from her out with her foot. She was interested in having some company for lunch and she hoped this woman would come have a seat.
A tall, slender figure walked into the town of which the Twilight Princess Inn was located. His long, golden hair blew behind him as a strong wind approached from the west. He looked up at the sky and sighed. "It looks as though it'll be storming soon." Aeran, as he was known, knew he didn't want to be caught in such weather, and knew he had to find a place to stay for a few days. Sadly, he hadn't been anywhere near a tavern or inn for the past several weeks (he'd been traveling through sparse countryside), and one only came upon a house every several miles or so. Even then, most of the people Aeran had asked to let him stay were irritable and persnickety, and refused him.

As he came up the dirt road, he saw a quaint little inn on the right. "What be this?" he said as he walked up to the sign hanging off the door. "The Twilight Princess Inn...what a peculiar name." But beggars couldn't be choosers, so Aeran decided to try the place out. He pushed open the door and watched as people looked at him. The men, in particular, stared at him, their mouths gaping. The boy rolled his eyes and looked around. "It seems nice enough, save the pigs who dine here." But sadly, Aeran had no idea who to ask for a room...
Kitanna's attention drew away from the woman she was trying to get to join her and now she focused on the man who had just entered. A smile crossed her face when she saw the golden haired man. He had soft features and she could see he was clearly different than many of the people who entered the inn.
She smiled warmly and motioned to the seat beside her. Should the woman decide to join her she would be welcome as well, but for now Kitanna concentrated on the young man.
Aries turned to the young man. "Hello." she said, her grin was growing bigger, it'd been a long time since she'd had any civilized human contact. "My name is Aries. What be your name?"
Sheera, after thanking the man for the key to a room, went upstairs. More people were coming in, and she needed to talk to a friend. Badly. She shut the door, slightly disappointed that she had to. She shut her curtians, the room still plenty light. She found a bowl of water, and prepared to contact a friend, back home.
Laina, no longer overtaken by the delicious aromas, quickly sat down at a table over in a quiet, more secluded corner of the room. She made sure she kept her hood up over her face, because she knew that if she were recognized she'd have to start running again.
Please join. It is a medieval plot, not LOTR.

Okay, thanks! :)

Name: Merla Ryensworth
Age: 21
Race: Human
Appearance: Long, wavy black hair. Pale skin, large green eyes. Very tall & slim, delicate-looking.
Background Information: Merla was raised in a distant country. She came to the Inn after her drunken husband had died in an accident on a horse. Merla is kind, caring, and very sweet.
Sheera nodded, seeing a reflection in the bowl. She disconnected the connection, and went downstairs, sitting at a table with another person in it. "MayI sit here?" she asked, politely, double checking in her mind she had all the right words....
"My name is Henry Ravens, ma'am." He bowed a bit and extended his hand to Aries, happily. His smile grew when he realized this woman seemed to brighten when he talked to her.
Ali watched the woman take a seat away from the crowds, just like herself. Then she noticed the man, the newcomer, playing cards, he was watching her over his hand. She needed someone to sit with someone. Just until that man went home for the night. Ali sighed and rose from her seat. She waltzed to the corner the woman had situated herself.

"Lunch is no time for people to be alone." Alie hoped she wouldn't be able to see past her fake kindness. This woman seemed to be running from something as well, hopefully even if she saw through Ali she'd still sit with her. Those fleeing from the past needed company. "Care to join me at my table by the fire?"
ooc: :) What's going on?
Mostly the first game post of everyone is their character entering the inn and looking around. Feel free to introduce yourself to any character in the inn.

OOC: Almost everybody is about to/is having lunch. GS, were you asking me?
I'm going to change morning to lunchtime soon, so just wait a few minutes for the narration. Things are easier to follow with one person moving time ahead. ;)