~Us (me) Against The World~

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ooc: he is tearing himself apart :( poor guy

ic: he swalowed hard and drew back at her tone, "I'm...I thought that is what you...I can't lose you. I had try...everything to keep you...here." he said almost in a whisper
ooc: that she does

"Ok James." She said sighing, she was to tired to talk anymore, to hurt. She turned away from him. He would never love her, and she would not stay to be hurt like this over and over.
She just shook her head, she couldnt bear him apologizing. She just turned from him and buried her face in her hands and sobbed quietly expecting to hear the compartment door shut.
She just sobbed everything overwhelming her. She was crazy about him, but she could never make him feel the same way, but he was never going to love anyone because of her. She didnt understand anythng anymore. She just clung to him and sobbed. She finally looked up at him. "Why cant you just pretend I dont exist?" She asked half joking her mouth tipping into a slight smile. "Life would be easier for you." She said, the words stinging as they came out, she knew if he took her seriously and did it, it might just kill her.
he hald laughed as he pushed the hair out of her face, "I could never pretend you don't exist, Liz. that shouldn't even be funny." why couldn't he let her go? if Jasmin or Cera wanted to up and leave , sure he'd argue, but not like this. if mat wanted to take off he might have a fight with him before he left but nothing half as intense as this. this wasn't normal...soemthing...something was out of place btu he couldn't say what. he just needed her. more than anyone or anything. he needed her besid him to be happy, to be funny, to be himself. why was that so hard for her to see. without her he amounted to very little
She leaned back. "Ok, I'll stay." She quietly in defeat.

ooc: i have to go my sis is screaming at me to use the computer :(
She didnt look at him just slumped back into her seat. Why couldnt he just let her go, it isnt like he loved her, not like that anyways. She was still so confused but way to drained to fight anymore.
"Oh right thanks," Jasmin shot at them, "gang up on me...sure backstabbers," she grunted as she reached into her bag and pulled out a beer

"thougt you'd never ask," she said todding her Budwiser can, "Oh it just sprouted wings and flew...just like that?"

"And why would you have done a thing like that?" she asked as she took a drink

"You know you guys shouldn't drink that...both of you are underage." James spoke again in his quiet tone

"Whatever James," she said taking another swig.

"That dose suck," she said taking another sip.

Guess what....until this game is looked through more it will be closed. This sort of material is not appropriate on a family friendly forum and that should be obvious. I suggest you ALL reread the rules for the site and for RPGs. If they cannot be followed you will not be posting in the RPGs anymore. Temporary bans if not permanent ones will be serious possibilities. If the drama you want to enact is not family friendly it does NOT belong on this forum. I hope that is COMPLETELY understood. Thus ilock.
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