If you haven't heard of Leo Laporte, he's the geeks go-to guy for all things tech. Well, today he gave his opinion on 3D and said (what I've been saying) that it's a huge gimmick and will not become popular. He gave to huge reasons for it something to do with lack of content and poor specs and human physiology, mainly, the senses and brain processes.
When his talk of today becomes available, I will post a link here.
Anyway, crazy commercialization in the tech area has happened before. Remember "smellevision?" and how about the 80's VR Helmets that were supposed to be the next big thing? Right.
I know Leo Laporte. Was that on This Week In Tech? Anyway, while I hate to admit it, I think he's wrong. I want 3D to be a fad, but I have a feeling that it's going to stick around for years to come. One reason to back up that thought? Star Wars is coming... and will be released a movie each year from 2012 to 2017.
I do think that he's talking about 3D in the home, rather than the theater. But at the rate of growth in the 3D market in theaters, things are bound to continually improve.
There is a surge in growth, whether we like it or not.
I do believe that 3D has a place though, and that's with video games. More specifically: Nintendo 3DS. It's coming out early next year and doesn't require 3D glasses. The reason for this is because you can adjust the dimensions to fit your own eyes. It's something revolutionary that can only benefit one user at a time, which is something that may never come to movie theaters unless you get your own large screen or there is some device that can make it appear that way, outside of glasses. And it's revolutionary because, when it was originally leaked, everyone kind of reported it without much excitement. When they actually played it at E3 this year though, it was the talk of the show. If the 3DS experience could be applied to movies, that would be fascinating and very much like the hologram movies of science fiction.
I think that, at this point, if 3D movies continue to be popular, it's only going to push technology to move forward.
I'm hoping that Leo is right, and that 3D in the home doesn't become super popular. At least for now. I want it to become super popular after it's had time to grow and become better than it is. Right now the cost of entry is just too high for the average consumer.