Dorthy: *watches* I like how the dwarves are being foiled by a baby.

Caspian: I have one question,
Dorthy: *groans*

How did the sides get so smart? This is supposed to be a medieval world and yet we have space-ships and sience labs, whats up with that?
Dorthy: Technically, that's two questions.
Caspian: Who cares?
Dorthy: Me, 'cause I'm you're annoying sister and its my job to point out your mistakes and file them for further notice. *writes down Caspian's question mistake for further reference*
Caspian: That's it, I'm joining the dwarves so I can kill you with stink-bombs.
Dorthy: Yeah, you do that, 'cause remember- they lied about the cookies. Only we ELVES have cookies. You're going to the dark side. They fale.
Caspian: They have cake. Mewsie told me they have cake, see, *points to a giant cake in the middle of the dwarf camp*

What the heck?!?! How, when, that get there?
Caspian: I dunno, maybe it came with the pizza delivery. *points to pizza truck driving out of dwarf camp*
Dorthy: Well we have..... *thinks* *face slowly forms an evil grin* We have the Galactica. We have all the food from the last million foodfights on this forum. You. Fale.
Caspian: *sticks out tongue and walks over to the dwarf camp* Hey guys, I'm joining you so I can beat my sister up legally in this game. xD *evil laugh*
Dorthy: oh frack. I just gave the dwarves access to the most leathal weapon known to dwarf, elf, hobbit, cat and human..... THE TOMATO CANNON!