what do you think heaven is like?

Where in the world do you think God lives if there isn't a heaven??? Where from did God send angels???The Bible talkes about heaven all the time! People had visions and saw it! It has to be there.

Heaven is a place where God won't let you be scared. It'd be fun I think.
Kobila said:
No I am not a Christian:)

I believe Heaven is already a made up place, it was something our minds created to ease the confusion and fear that death brings. I believe that a lot of religions use Heaven as an escape goat for their actions during this life. For example many Middle Eastern and Asian religions allow for some kamikaze type behavior in this life because the after life is so rewarding. Humans are a very creative bunch and in my opinion the created heaven and Christianity to soften the blow of eventual death and to explain all the horrible things that have happened in the world.

Aye - thats a common view Ive heard alot...

IMO, I cant understand why just about every single culture on Earth would be ble to 'make up' an idea of a heaven unless it was true. Even if, as you say, its just because humans are desiring something after this life to ease suffering and create explanations, there must be a reason behind this desire, musnt there???
Tarkheena_Finduilas22 said:
Where in the world do you think God lives if there isn't a heaven??? Where from did God send angels???The Bible talkes about heaven all the time! People had visions and saw it! It has to be there.

Heaven is a place where God won't let you be scared. It'd be fun I think.

Well if I don’t believe in heaven it’s natural to assume I don’t believe in God :) At least not in the sense you do. I suppose if it makes you more comfortable I can say my heaven is earth. I believe this is the only existence we have on this planet that my life is my heaven and by default my hell also :p

waterhogboy said:
Aye - thats a common view Ive heard alot...

IMO, I cant understand why just about every single culture on Earth would be ble to 'make up' an idea of a heaven unless it was true. Even if, as you say, its just because humans are desiring something after this life to ease suffering and create explanations, there must be a reason behind this desire, musnt there???

You have an excellent point. I do not pretend to understand what made us and where we go when we die. I just don’t believe if there was a God he would have some fantastically cool place waiting for us when we die. It just sounds so surreal and made up.
Kobila said:
Well if I don’t believe in heaven it’s natural to assume I don’t believe in God :) At You have an excellent point. I do not pretend to understand what made us and where we go when we die. I just don’t believe if there was a God he would have some fantastically cool place waiting for us when we die. It just sounds so surreal and made up.

You too have an excellent point. Thats one of the many doubts I often have - it all seems so fake and surreal. I spose thats just where the whole faith without evidence thing comes in....
well God is the king of bling so heaven is BEAUTIFUL.God is in our hearts and God is in heaven so heaven is in our hearts. so if heaven is in our hearts are our hearts beautiful? weird to think about huh? and if heaven is a made up place by humans, then i'd like to see you prove it. we may not be able to prove that heaven exsits but you cant prove that it dosn't.
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Kobila said:
I just don’t believe if there was a God he would have some fantastically cool place waiting for us when we die. It just sounds so surreal and made up.
If you believe in God, it seems to me to be the most natural thing in the world to believe that He has made a great place for Himself to live, and that one day you will live there with Him -- if you did believe in God, what do you think He would have waiting for you beyond this life, just out of curiosity?
(Sorry I took so long to respond and hope you are still with us, Kobila ... I missed this discussion somehow.)
Gryphon said:
well God is the king of bling so heaven is BEAUTIFUL.

HAHAHAHAHAH!!! I've never thought of God as the king of bling before! Thanks for the insight :D
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I have formed a view of Heaven that is like a park, with grassy fields, lightly forested, where there are benches and people running around playing frisbee and other sports, sitting around signing with guitars, and just talking.
We'll know everyone in heaven, and even our best friends on earth that we know so well , we'll know EVEN better! We'll be able to truely love like Christ loves! Specter, have you heard the song "Big House" by Audio Adrenaline?
Specter said:
I have formed a view of Heaven that is like a park, with grassy fields, lightly forested, where there are benches and people running around playing frisbee and other sports, sitting around signing with guitars, and just talking.

Sounds like fun!! =D
I don't visualize heaven as a particular landscape, but rather how I will feel when I am there...Finally being able to be obedient, pure, beautiful and good...That is heaven.

Ithilien said:
I feel that heaven is more of a state of being rather than a tangible place.

Oh I dont!! I'd be incredibly dissapointed if it were like that!

We see Christ in a resurrected body - so surely we too will have resurrected bodies. How can we live in an untangible state if we have real physical bodies with which (as JEsus demonstrated) we can feel and eat and all that!
I just hope we can meet the people that touched our lives, but lost contact with. Or the people that we could never meet in person, like online or by phone.
Jene Sai said:
I don't visualize heaven as a particular landscape, but rather how I will feel when I am there...Finally being able to be obedient, pure, beautiful and good...That is heaven.


Amen! Sometimes you just get tired of battling sin and get homesick for heaven where we can finally be completely obedient to God.