what do you think heaven is like?

Interesting theory...but I believe angels were created along w/ the rest of us. I don't think they ever where humans nor will we ever be angels. In heaven we'll just have new eternal bodies, but we don't get 'promoted' to angel. That's my understanding anyway.

Chakal, I really like your first couple paragraphs. They really put into perspective what heaven is really for.
the two lines that got me at the end of the book were the"one couldn't even be afraid even if they wanted too" and the "each chapter more beautiful than the next"...i guess heaven would be alot like that, where there's no more pain, no more sadness, nothing bad and keeps on improving forever..something unimaginable delightful and good that you couldn't possibly feel it unless you were actually there
I was going to exsactily what Puzzle Dear said! Everything woderful that we have ever dreamed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LALALALALALALALALALALLALALALLA
thelawtman said:
it can be whatever u want becuase it doenst exist.

any chance you want to refrain from being a wet blanket and allow those of us who do believe in heaven to state our ideas? this thread wasn't started to debate whether heaven exists. start your own thread if you want to do that.
ANYWAY, I'm excited for when I can live w/o failing. Sometimes on this earth I feel like my fight is in vain (I know it's not, but we all must admit that the constant failures are discouraging). When I reach heaven, I can truely glorify Him w/ every move I make!
oh man do I know what you mean. I always feel like people are looking at me under a microscope but no matter what I do I can't win. I can't please them! I think that part of this comes from being a Pastor's Kid and another part comes from being a part of a big family with MANY succesful siblings especially my perfect older sis!
Man I ALWAYS feel like a rotten failure!
ok sorry.. that was free and had nothing to do with heaven. LOL uh let me redeem myself.
I think heaven will be like Narnia in a way. A completely different world, where you forget your troubles. Nothing else matters. There is no pain, no Death no sadness. Just God, just Love Just GLORY!!!
how's that until I can find that stupid poem? LOL
Wait, I just had a horrible thought. Nothing bad will be in heaven right? Some of my favorite movies have scary moments and some crude humor. What if I can't watch them in heaven?!
unleavened said:
ANYWAY, I'm excited for when I can live w/o failing. Sometimes on this earth I feel like my fight is in vain (I know it's not, but we all must admit that the constant failures are discouraging). When I reach heaven, I can truely glorify Him w/ every move I make!

Yes, yes, yes!!! That is the way I fell all the time...

I don't know but I always imagined heaven to be a green meadow filled with flowers sitting on top of the clouds. With pathways of gold. I also imagined/hoped that my dead animals would go there...

Puzzle dear said:
Wait, I just had a horrible thought. Nothing bad will be in heaven right? Some of my favorite movies have scary moments and some crude humor. What if I can't watch them in heaven?!

You won't want to watch those movies anymore. You'll just being soaking in all of the light and splendor of Jesus and God and the wonderful place. You won't want to sit in front of a movie screne and watch movies. (At least that's what I think.)

This is all just my opinoin. Oh my gosh if I could only ask God all the questions I have in life... that would be awesome...
You've got it NL! We won't want alot of that stuff in heaven. Much better awaits us. I imagine that if we stood before the Lord now, we would be ashamed of alot of things we laughed at. Just a thought.
TV in Heaven

If there were TV in Heaven, they would never refer to rain, snow or sleet in percent chances. "Partly Sunny today with occasional showers beginning at exactly 7:15 PM and ending at 1:31 AM tomorrow morning..."

Before you say it never rains in Heaven, listen to the Hallalujah Chorus again. "And He shall reign forever and ever." Bring your overshoes.... :D