what do you think heaven is like?

1) Providence will be unto a sun, and we will be like planets. The closer you where to the Annointed One you, and closer you will be to Providence. The less you where, the farther out you will be, thus in hell.

2) Its a waiting room, until you go for another spin on the Wheel of Death & Rebirth.

3) You make your own Paradise and your own Perdition.
this is in my prayer book : We will see streets of gold and a magnificent mansionsin Heaven! But there are also trees and flowers and grassy meadows to play in. There is a river of crystal clear water! It's called the River of Life! There is a Tree of Life, too, with 12 kinds of fruit on it! We'll be able to eat from the Tree of Life and go swimming in the River of Life! Yippee! :D :p :D :)
lets hope so////
if heaven is the best thing in the world then nobody knows what it looks like or how it is because everybody has different opinions about what is perfect maybe that why they didnt tell about it in the bible...or did they -i havent read it
God definately told us about it. I can't wait! (Well, I can but...never mind) I trust that God's idea of perfect is the right one. I, as a Christian, can't even fathom what awaits me.
i imagine Heaven to be like being wrapped in a really comfortable blanket which God gave you and you just can't stop thanking and praising Him for that blanket :D

As for the tree of life thing... does that mean that people who don't like fruit will be sentenced to purgatory?????? :eek:
Kobila said:
Well if I don’t believe in heaven it’s natural to assume I don’t believe in God :) At least not in the sense you do. I suppose if it makes you more comfortable I can say my heaven is earth. I believe this is the only existence we have on this planet that my life is my heaven and by default my hell also :p

You have an excellent point. I do not pretend to understand what made us and where we go when we die. I just don’t believe if there was a God he would have some fantastically cool place waiting for us when we die. It just sounds so surreal and made up.
I clain you an atheist and you're goin' to Hell![no, i'm NOT cussing it's a real place]
WiseEdmund said:
i imagine Heaven to be like being wrapped in a really comfortable blanket which God gave you and you just can't stop thanking and praising Him for that blanket :D

As for the tree of life thing... does that mean that people who don't like fruit will be sentenced to purgatory?????? :eek:
Yes. We don't accept fruit haters.

Very nice description. I like it!
Ithilien said:
I certainly loved C. S. Lewis' depiction of heaven: a happy, perfect image of the world we love. What do you think heaven is like?
i cannot begin to decribe to you how beautiful heaven is. but we must be prepared for it. you should read 90 minutes in heave. its a great book! ;)
i think heaven is to do with achieving perfection; i just really have this sense that there our destiny is to achieve perfection in every way.
Driad54 said:
Hmm I would imagine Heaven as a Star Wars place........that would be my version

The only heaven I can imagine for me would be Neverland.......
I understand what CS Lewis meant in The Last Battle, how heavven would be a better and moree peaceful version of our beloved world...in the Pevensies case; Narnia.
But, if you remember well, the Pevensies' parents Heaven was the better version of England....which would mean that MY Heaven would be the better version of Florida......I really like the Pevesie children's Heaven more.
Also, I believe we are united with are family in Heaven, not separated from our parents. Though, I bet that the Pevensie children probably had thier parents in Narnia every once in a while. :)


PS Please do ignore my post if you disagree with it...I had an earlier bashing....just making sure. :D

A place of retirement where you go to rest for an infinitely long time for working 80 years.

A mentally stultifying place where there is nothing to learn, observe, or act upon.


A unique combination suited to each person that exploits their strengths, fulfills their needs and achieves their goals.

A place where we are not as we think we are or our family, friends and co-workers think we are, but what we really ARE. ("I will write a name for you on a white stone known only to me.")


Retirement, as we understand it, is a place you go to enjoy some good times when you're too old to be productive on the job anymore. In other words, waiting to die.

One would not learn compassion, leadership and character in this life unless those skills had enduring value.

Any idiot could sing Amazing Grace in a pew for all eternity.

We do not spend eternity in Heaven waiting to die. We are not too old to be productive.

Church is a substitute for a one on one relationship with God. There will be no churches in Heaven. There will be no religion in Heaven. Your relationship with God will be that of father and child. There will be no formal rules of engagement. He will love you and you will love him back.

To exist merely to praise God is to portray God as terribly vain. If I could create people, I would want them to do something more than suck up to me. Once in a while I want my dog to play with her ball or chase the squirrels. If she spent eternity sitting in my lap it would drive me crazy.

Clearly the misgivings and dissatisfaction with the idea of Eternity as a God Fan Session prove that it can't be entirely what Heaven is about. Even down here in our imperfection we can see it would drive us crazy after about 3 hours. Heaven is meant to be a happy place. God will take into account our full spectrum of needs and see to them as a good father would.
Edmind's Queen said:
PS Please do ignore my post if you disagree with it...I had an earlier bashing....just making sure.
No one is allowed to bash Sofia ever, in any Forum, anymore!

In heaven, I think we will be what we are supposed to be -- who we really are -- and that means we'll be doing what we were meant to do, what we do best and love to do ... and no one will bash Sofia, either.