what do you think heaven is like?

I say heaven is like well paradise....you can eat all the chocolate and ice cream in the world...never get fat or sick...skandar and will would b there of course....and very warm and nice...well thats wat i think heaven is like....
My granny's a christian but my mum (her daughter) and the rest of my family (including me) are not. Could my granny really be happy in Heaven if she knows her daughter(s) and her family would be suffering eternal pain in Hell? A true mother would do anything for their daughter, they may even jump down to Hell to suffer eternally with them. And just a question, where do you think that christian babys go if they die, because obviously their mind hasn't grown enought to go into heaven.
Jimmy Kickarse said:
My granny's a christian but my mum (her daughter) and the rest of my family (including me) are not. Could my granny really be happy in Heaven if she knows her daughter(s) and her family would be suffering eternal pain in Hell? A true mother would do anything for their daughter, they may even jump down to Hell to suffer eternally with them. And just a question, where do you think that christian babys go if they die, because obviously their mind hasn't grown enought to go into heaven.

Turn it round though, Jimmy. Is it fair that your mum and you should compromise your granny's happiness for ever, or until you get your own way? There's a powerful passage in The Great Divorce about this very subject. It would be unimaginably cruel and unfair on your granny if she was required to consign herself to Hell just because her family chose, of their own free will, not to go to Heaven - even if she could: Christ's story of Dives and Lazarus suggests that those who are in Heaven cannot go to Hell even if they wanted.

Christian babies? I do not know; but I trust that God is infinitely more merciful than I am. I believe that old people who die senile, dribbling and witless come back to their full senses in Heaven; why should not babies come to full consciousness and reason? In other words, there's no obviously about it.
Yes but you seem to have avoided the question. And I never said any person should confign themselves to Hell, I am merely saying that someone MIGHT want to suffer along side their child, and that might make them happier than having the time of their life. They are quite in their rights not to.And any way, I would quite like to believe, but I don't, and I cannot force myself to believe in something that I can't know for certain exists. God must have made me needy of knowledge, so he should be totally understand of why I don't believe in him. I shall repeat my actual question:
How can someone be truly happy in heaven knowing that their daughter/son is in Hell?
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We have our own concepts of heaven. Most of us think that heaven has an entrance, a big gate with St. Peter standing in front of it with a list of all the good and bad things that we have done during our time on Earth. We think that there are choirs of angels singing in the clouds and everything is white and pure. But that's what we think.

But my concept of heaven changed when I read "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" by Mitch Albom (and I recommend you guys to read the book). Like what it said in the book:

THERE ARE FIVE people you meet in heaven," the Blue Man suddenly said. "Each of us was in your life for a reason. You may not have known the reason at the time, and that is what heaven is for. For understanding your life on earth."

Eddie looked confused.

"People think of heaven as a paradise garden, a place where they can float on clouds and laze in rivers and mountains. But scenery without solace is meaningless.

"This is the greatest gift God can give you: to understand what happened in your life. To have it explained. It is the peace you have been searching for."

That's exactly how I think of it now. A place where we can experience eternal happiness.
I think Heaven would be a good place because I ll be with William there and nice and white It will be the most beautiful place ever
Jimmy Kickarse said:
Yes but you seem to have avoided the question. And I never said any person should confign themselves to Hell, I am merely saying that someone MIGHT want to suffer along side their child, and that might make them happier than having the time of their life. They are quite in their rights not to.And any way, I would quite like to believe, but I don't, and I cannot force myself to believe in something that I can't know for certain exists. God must have made me needy of knowledge, so he should be totally understand of why I don't believe in him. I shall repeat my actual question:
How can someone be truly happy in heaven knowing that their daughter/son is in Hell?

Avoided the question? I'll try answering again. Someone can be truly happy in Heaven knowing their daughter/son made their own choice. The alternative is unbearable: that those who choose Hell should have the power to mar the happiness of those in Heaven for ever.

I can well believe, though, that someone in Hell would insist that those who loved them ought not to be happy in Heaven. That's the mindset that put them there in the first place. Going to Hell to be with my son would not mean that I could ease his sufferings in the slightest; it would only mean that I was suffering alongside him. And while we say "Misery loves company", it's a poor sort of love.

Again, I thoroughly recommend The Great Divorce to you. It's not always comforting but it is a great read.
Yeah I'll keep a look out for it. I still don't think they could be 100% happy but that's just a difference of opinions, and we'll never work it out so we might aswell drop it.
It could be like Narnia.

I believe when I get up there I'm not gonna remember anything from my human life. And no one thinks of the sinful past they would just think of the furture. And of coarse football season will last forever.
Jimmy Kickarse said:
Yeah I'll keep a look out for it. I still don't think they could be 100% happy but that's just a difference of opinions, and we'll never work it out so we might aswell drop it.

Also check out the Screwtape Letters. An early Letter has Screwtape advising Wormwood not to try to defeat the Enemy by argument, but by persuading his "patient" not to think about the subject at all, and find ways to get him to put off thinking about it indefinitely. ;)

I try not to perpetrate ad hominem arguments, but it seems to me that I'd find your PoV easier to take seriously if you yourself were a believer confident of your own place but concerned for someone else... rather than thinking that someone else's happiness should be compromised because you weren't there to share it.

Urendi Maleldil
Heaven is a place which full of things that really joy me (in a good way).Beautiful scene, lots of people that I loved......and the palce which full of happiness, laughs and smiles :p Ha...ha...what I;m talking about?
It could be like Narnia which combine with Middle Earth (for the building, especially in Elves land).Could ie be like that? :D
No one on this earth can come close describing what Heaven is like. I can't wait to see our heavenly Father when I get there, and not to mention see all of you guys there too. :D
I think there are lots of honey rivers,nice scenery,beautiful girls and handsome boys there.Those are great things but I most would like to make real magic in the Heaven :cool: