Who are your favorite music artists?

Hmmm... That's a toughie. I'll say Demi Lovato (whom was NOT arrested for being drunk or on cocaine... She went to rehab for mental health issues and is now resting at home... Since Jan. 28), Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, and some of Miley Cyrus... Ever since she became "untamed" I kinda had to stop liking her... And, finally, Harry Gregson-Williams, who conducted the Narnia score I love so much:)

I LOVE Demi!! She is so awesome. I'm kinda like JB, sometimes.........

Harry Gregson-Williams is really good. I love the Narnia score so much!
I've been listening to air1 radio like non-stop lately so I've come across some really great bands, like Relient K, Article One, Sanctus Real, Fireflight, Anthem Lights, Abandon and Mikeschair. :p
Taylor Swift is my ultimate favorite :) I also like Carrie Underwood, and some other country music. Lately I've been getting into Elvis... the oldies are amazing! :D And out of Christian music I really like Tenth Avenue North, Aaron Shust, Chris Tomlin, Hawk Nelson, Josh Wilson... alot of different ones :)
Adam Lambert

Before anyone says anything, I would just like to say that I don't give a holler about how improper or bad juju he is with his personal life, I just want to discuss his music. I don't see anything wrong with that, but if you all do, lock it. :)

I just think he's a very gifted musician with an amazing voice. I love his music, and he is pretty easy on the eyes. :p
So yeah, I just made this thread as a place to discuss his music, and maybe if anyone wants to, how nice he is to stare at. xD
Just to respond to the 1st part of your post, if you thought that maybe, this thread might be an issue, it would have been a good idea to ask a moderator. You know, they always say, "when in doubt, always ask." The worst thing a moderator can say to you is, "No, there's too much potential for it to become troublesome". I personally don't think he's a very good singer, nor do I approve of his personal life; however, his music is problematic for a family forum. Regardless of what you think of his personal life, discussion of his music could be a can of worms that needs to remain closed. Much of his music is sexually charged lyrically, and if I'm not mistaken, also has profanity, something I personally don't see as being a beneficial discussion to this particular forum.

But before the thread gets much older, I'd ask a moderator. Just out of courtesy for younger and more innocent members here on the forum. And this post does not come out of a self-righteous need to be proven correct; I used to be a younger member, and I had more experienced members looking out for MY interests. I am trying to do the same thing that other people have done for me in the past.
Just to respond to the 1st part of your post, if you thought that maybe, this thread might be an issue, it would have been a good idea to ask a moderator. You know, they always say, "when in doubt, always ask." The worst thing a moderator can say to you is, "No, there's too much potential for it to become troublesome". I personally don't think he's a very good singer, nor do I approve of his personal life; however, his music is problematic for a family forum. Regardless of what you think of his personal life, discussion of his music could be a can of worms that needs to remain closed. Much of his music is sexually charged lyrically, and if I'm not mistaken, also has profanity, something I personally don't see as being a beneficial discussion to this particular forum.

But before the thread gets much older, I'd ask a moderator. Just out of courtesy for younger and more innocent members here on the forum. And this post does not come out of a self-righteous need to be proven correct; I used to be a younger member, and I had more experienced members looking out for MY interests. I am trying to do the same thing that other people have done for me in the past.

Where's my "Like" button when I need it?
Just to respond to the 1st part of your post, if you thought that maybe, this thread might be an issue, it would have been a good idea to ask a moderator. You know, they always say, "when in doubt, always ask." The worst thing a moderator can say to you is, "No, there's too much potential for it to become troublesome". I personally don't think he's a very good singer, nor do I approve of his personal life; however, his music is problematic for a family forum. Regardless of what you think of his personal life, discussion of his music could be a can of worms that needs to remain closed. Much of his music is sexually charged lyrically, and if I'm not mistaken, also has profanity, something I personally don't see as being a beneficial discussion to this particular forum.

But before the thread gets much older, I'd ask a moderator. Just out of courtesy for younger and more innocent members here on the forum. And this post does not come out of a self-righteous need to be proven correct; I used to be a younger member, and I had more experienced members looking out for MY interests. I am trying to do the same thing that other people have done for me in the past.

You're right in the fact that I should have asked a mod, I guess after being gone for a year I forgot some of the general rules of common sense lol. But I don't think it's fair to say his music is "sexually charged"...I have his CD and the only songs I see to be so are "For Your Entertainment" and maybe "Fever." Otherwise, his other songs are really quite beautiful and heartfelt. You should give "Time For Miracles" a try, it's gorgeous. :)

However, I shall follow your advise and ask a mod about this.
To be honest, whether it's one song or a whole album, children/teens are by nature extremely curious. Why does it create a problem? Because of the fairly well known controversy surrounding this particular singer, and I'm just afraid that some child will get on YouTube and search for a certain performance that they should NOT see even if they're 16. This would be a similar issue if there was a thread posted to discuss, say, Eminem...who consistently makes music headlines for his obscene/profane lyrics. I'm not at all trying to say you can't like an artist (though for me, Christians shouldn't be listening to people who use that language, live an immoral lifestyle, or the like), but yes, the discussion can always become a can of worms. Of course if the world were perfect, no discussion would ever become out of control, nor would it deviate into where it shouldn't........
You have a point I shouldn't have made the thread in the first place. I'll take the discussion elsewhere like Facebook or something lol.
I'm not a big fan of Adam Lambert, but I do think that some of his songs are pretty catchy. :) To be fair, I haven't actually listened to many of them, so I guess I can't say definitively that I like or dislike him as a singer. Judging by what I have heard, though, his style isn't something I would listen to on a daily basis.

Just so you know... I personally don't have a problem with threads like these. But maybe as a compromise, we could create one big thread that is specifically meant for discussing modern pop artists. That way, we could focus more on the music rather than on the individual singers' lifestyles. Perhaps we could talk to one of the mods to see what they think.

In regards to the discussion about whether or not this is an appropriate topic for TDL... I think we have to take a step back and let the mods do their job. They know when a line is being crossed, and just as importantly, they know how to deal with it civilly and efficiently. :)
I'm not a big fan of Adam Lambert, but I do think that some of his songs are pretty catchy. :) To be fair, I haven't actually listened to many of them, so I guess I can't say definitively that I like or dislike him as a singer. Judging by what I have heard, though, his style isn't something I would listen to on a daily basis.

Just so you know... I personally don't have a problem with threads like these. But maybe as a compromise, we could create one big thread that is specifically meant for discussing modern pop artists. That way, we could focus more on the music rather than on the individual singers' lifestyles. Perhaps we could talk to one of the mods to see what they think.

In regards to the discussion about whether or not this is an appropriate topic for TDL... I think we have to take a step back and let the mods do their job. They know when a line is being crossed, and just as importantly, they know how to deal with it civilly and efficiently. :)

I messaged a mod about this thread and I'm currently waiting for a response. :)
I also thought maybe there should just be a big huge "Musicians" thread and considered going to see if there was one. It would, like you said, be easier to avoid talking about the hush-hush details of certain artists' lives, plus, I mean, my favorite singer changes like, week to week. xD
I just saw this thread and am totally unfamiliar with Adam Lambert and his work, so I will do some research and get back to you all. Thank you for being sensitive to the readership on this forum...
I messaged a mod about this thread and I'm currently waiting for a response. :)
I also thought maybe there should just be a big huge "Musicians" thread and considered going to see if there was one. It would, like you said, be easier to avoid talking about the hush-hush details of certain artists' lives, plus, I mean, my favorite singer changes like, week to week. xD

Hello, I found you a musicians thread :D
