Why does everyone hate this movie merged with worst change

What was the worst change from the book in your opinion?

  • Interlacing the Caspian sequences between the Pevensie sequences

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • Aslan's first introduction

    Votes: 9 6.2%
  • The addition of the raid of Miraz's castle

    Votes: 9 6.2%
  • Peter's added cockiness and arrogance

    Votes: 50 34.5%
  • Susan's romantic affair with Caspian

    Votes: 49 33.8%
  • Caspian's age

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • Something else

    Votes: 7 4.8%
  • They were all good

    Votes: 17 11.7%

  • Total voters


New member
There were a lot of changes from the book to the film in this title. Some were worse than others. Some made the experience better. But which do you think was the worst?
That whole romance stuff killed me a little inside.:( Next to that is definately Peter's attitude...and the absence of the dancing lawn.
Even though I acknowledge that there are reasons why they did it that way and have really just separated the book from the movie completely in my mind (so much so that I loved the movie as much as I enjoy reading the books), the change in Peter's character is undoubtably the least necessary and worst change in the movie.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that...I HATED there was no Dancing Lawn scene. Well, there was, SORT OF. But they skipped the dancing. :(

The "romance" was fine for me, until the kiss. I think it would have been okay left at "I wish i'd got to know you better" *hug* :rolleyes:
I just read the Dancing Lawn scene in the book again and the part they include in the movie has no dancing in it.
I just read the Dancing Lawn scene in the book again and the part they include in the movie has no dancing in it.

EXACTLY!!! Before I went to see the move that was the part I was looking forward to most. It was my second favorite part in the book. I was so sad when it didn't happen. I almost cried. :(

Yeah, and the main reason the kiss bothered me so much was because Lucy and Edmund were there. I mean...they're also there when Caspian meets Ramandu's daughter. That's just too much drama in my mind.
What I was saying though is that while that is a beautiful part of the book, it is not part of the Council at the Dancing Lawn. It happens a couple of days before it.
The kiss...ick....:rolleyes: ;)
The night raid was an excellent scene,I'm glad they added it..and the rest didn't bother me..although Peter was kinda...annoying..(sorry).:p
get real!

90% of the people who are mad a PC because of peter either like him (think he is hot) or want to be like him!

Luke turned dark for a little =P

and 90% of the people who are mad at the romance like QS or PC,

I was like ahhh give the guy a kiss you will never see him again and what harm will it do ?

it was all good the night raid was Reeps Idea in the book BTW
i know there are many fans here that stay true to the books, and i totally respect and understand why many would be upset with the changes. but as a book reader myself, i happen to be okay with the changes in the movie. i think it's clear that books that turn into movies...will never be exactly like the books, and it's just easier for me to keep the two separate.

now with that, the only problem i had with the movie was Peter's character. i love Peter in the first movie...but not so much in Prince Caspian. i miss the overprotective, heroic big brother/ high king that i envision Peter to be...but he turned into this over-the-top, arrogant annoying character and he just irritated me. i still love him nonetheless. the writers perhaps included a sudden change of character...for development and what i guess he has been growing through for the past year..but iono...i expect more from him especially as a leader.
get real!

90% of the people who are mad a PC because of peter either like him (think he is hot) or want to be like him!

Luke turned dark for a little =P

and 90% of the people who are mad at the romance like QS or PC,

I was like ahhh give the guy a kiss you will never see him again and what harm will it do ?

it was all good the night raid was Reeps Idea in the book BTW

Actually, nobody is mad a PC. We are disappointed. But enough great arguments have been said in other threads, if you care to read them, so I will not add anymore here. And to equal Luke with Peter is like the old "apples and oranges" thingy.
Even though I acknowledge that there are reasons why they did it that way and have really just separated the book from the movie completely in my mind (so much so that I loved the movie as much as I enjoy reading the books), the change in Peter's character is undoubtably the least necessary and worst change in the movie.

i know there are many fans here that stay true to the books, and i totally respect and understand why many would be upset with the changes. but as a book reader myself, i happen to be okay with the changes in the movie. i think it's clear that books that turn into movies...will never be exactly like the books, and it's just easier for me to keep the two separate.

now with that, the only problem i had with the movie was Peter's character. i love Peter in the first movie...but not so much in Prince Caspian. i miss the overprotective, heroic big brother/ high king that i envision Peter to be...but he turned into this over-the-top, arrogant annoying character and he just irritated me. i still love him nonetheless. the writers perhaps included a sudden change of character...for development and what i guess he has been growing through for the past year..but iono...i expect more from him especially as a leader.
These posts pretty much sum up my objection to the change of Peter's character. I will say, I saw the film again yesterday, and I was more open to it and felt better about it as a stand-alone film rather than as a film version of the book. Peter's character is so radically different from the book that I can't accept PC film as a version of the book, but I can see that the film is good, entertaining, suspenseful, and if you don't try to make film Peter into King Peter the Magnificent from the book, then it's really OK.
EXACTLY!!! Before I went to see the move that was the part I was looking forward to most. It was my second favorite part in the book. I was so sad when it didn't happen. I almost cried. :(

Yeah, and the main reason the kiss bothered me so much was because Lucy and Edmund were there. I mean...they're also there when Caspian meets Ramandu's daughter. That's just too much drama in my mind.

That's right! I forgot about Ramandu's daughter.Good point!
So what is Caspian going to do now about Ramandu's daughter? Now that he had his "thing" with Susan. How is he going to look now? How are the writers and director going to explain that away? Teenage angst? Puppy love? Moviemakers turn everything into a silly soap opera. It's crazy. That's why, Peter character and the "fling" Susan and Caspian had were unacceptable changes.
The saddest change for me, most deffinately was the "Aslan's army" scene cut, that made me so sad! the whole time I was just sitting there...waiting for that moment to come...but it never did!:( In cutting that scene, they left out Caspian's nurse completely which made me really depressed...that and Aslan's screen time......those were really the only two things that really bothered me...I can live with the other changes (even though I HATED the kiss at the end, the slight romance was okay...maybe showing that they may have had a TINY crush on eachother...but that kiss...ugh! *shudders*), but that made me wanna cry...lol.