Why does everyone hate this movie merged with worst change

What was the worst change from the book in your opinion?

  • Interlacing the Caspian sequences between the Pevensie sequences

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • Aslan's first introduction

    Votes: 9 6.2%
  • The addition of the raid of Miraz's castle

    Votes: 9 6.2%
  • Peter's added cockiness and arrogance

    Votes: 50 34.5%
  • Susan's romantic affair with Caspian

    Votes: 49 33.8%
  • Caspian's age

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • Something else

    Votes: 7 4.8%
  • They were all good

    Votes: 17 11.7%

  • Total voters
Yeah, it just make you wonder they could have done that Copper with other books that were made into movies like Harry Potter and books that one or all the main characters were kids. Replace what was suppose to be a 12 or 13 year old kid and put in a 21 or 22 year old in their place in the movie. That is why people hate seeing movie versions because Hollywood can never do it right and if they do it right then it becomes a miracle but that is extremely rare. I guess for Hollywood that they think if they passed up some good kids to play Caspian in order to have someone like Ben Barnes who is 29 (27 when he did Caspian) to do it is just seriously lame. Ben Barnes is a good actor but Disney or whoever did the selection of actors for the movie should followed the book not follow what Hollywood says.

I have seen "The Wiz" and you are right Copper. Why can't Hollywood or whatever follow what is the book and not who they think can do it?
Hey, I liked "The Wiz". :D

"Replace what was suppose to be a 12 or 13 year old kid and put in a 21 or 22 year old in their place in the movie."

Terra, they did this with the movie, "City of Ember"(also a Walden/Fox release). The main characters were supposed to be a boy and girl, both 12-years-old. Saoirse Ronan was about 14 during filming, fairly close, but Harry treadaway was about 24. It was ridiculous. With the change to make Caspian so much older, it may have been because of the age of William Moseley as Peter.

I can't pick in the poll...it would be a tie for Aslan's first enterance and Peter's tude. Both were aweful! Oi. I'll keep off of my soapbox...because if I get on it again, I won't be able to jump off too easily.

Caspian was aged up to be closer to Peter. I wouldn't have done that though. I'd have gone a year or so younger rather than a few years older. It really messed everything up. Or, they could have done the smart thing like the BBC did and use 2 actors...one for the young Caspian and one for the older one. It worked for the BBC, but then, they tended to get more right in general for the story itself.
Maybe in so many years time the BBC will pick up some of the novels and re-adapt them. Major film versions haven't stopped ordinary television channels doing their own takes on things. :) I don't think they could properly replace the original BBC versions in my heart, though! :p

But as to BBC just doing the major films themselves... don't think that's really going to happen! Not enough funds (stupid governments ¬¬), yadda yadda. ;)
I would not mind seeing the BBC doing film versions of the remaining books since for one, Disney and now FOX can not do anything right and two, BBC at least from seeing how well they put together their versions of LWW and PC. Sadly, I never saw the BBC ones and I only saw a few minutes of the animated version of LWW on youtube and Mr. Tumnus and that scared me. :eek:
I guess I am one of those who didn't like this movie was that they did not use a kid or a young teen to play the role of Caspian but used a 20 something year old guy to play someone who is supposed to been 13 in the book and 16 in VotDT. But then again, Hollywood has never really followed the books they made into movies. There is always something missing that is really good in the book but the director and Hollywood wants to do it their way. It is just sad.

I missed this post earlier, and I agree. There was lots I didn't care for in the film, but one of the worst things was Ben's being so old. It would have been fine for Caspian to be younger than Peter or the same age, but so much older made it look as if Caspian wasn't very smart because he was a grown man and seemed so clueless. :(

It will be OK in VDT for him to be older though, as 3 years are supposed to pass.
I agree. I'm not a big fan of Caspian's changed age or romance in the movie. His fake ascent didn't help much either. :rolleyes:

However, Peter's character change doesn't seem to bother me as much. Although I love the books very much and have read them quite a lot, I thought that Peter's change wasn't horribly bad. Honestly, I felt that it added a lot to his character and was an interesting alternative to the novel. I mean, the movie is "based" on the novel, but not exact. Even if I don't approve of some of the artistic liberties they take, I felt that Peter's change was a very interesting twist.
"Major film versions haven't stopped ordinary television channels doing their own takes on things."

Sir Cabbage, Walden's contract with Lewis Pte LTD. and Douglas Gresham more than likely has a clause that states no one else can buy the rights to the series or any book in the series for a cerain amount of time or until they decide to give up the rights.

"Major film versions haven't stopped ordinary television channels doing their own takes on things."

Sir Cabbage, Walden's contract with Lewis Pte LTD. and Douglas Gresham more than likely has a clause that states no one else can buy the rights to the series or any book in the series for a cerain amount of time or until they decide to give up the rights.


so why can walden and the bbc work together? then we would have correct movies based on the books.. (im not saying the movies are bad,theres just a few little inconsistancies with them)

(they may be possible,wouldnt it?)
Eye ahm Preens Cahspiahn

It made him sound kinda dopey. But he already seemed kinda dopey because he was a grown man with no idea why he wasn't king and why it might be dangerous for him for Miraz to have a child.
I definitely didn't like Peter's new added personality! :mad: it made him seem so much nastier and a lot more arrogant. He was starting to act like a telmarine! One of the bad ones of course not the normal ones! Anyways I actually didn't mind the romance between Caspian and Susan but I didn't like the kiss. And Caspian's accent didn't bother me at all just a little different then I imagined it!
The worst change...either Peter's arrogance, or the whole Susan/Caspian deal. I think the Suspian thing killed it, though. Peter's personality can kind of be ignored...but the romance was right there in your face.

Why do people hate this movie? Book purists...what else can I say? I mean, the changes were pretty intense...but still. I didn't even consider the movie being "bad" until I started listening to what other people had to say about it.
Honestly, the movie bored me. I wouldn't go so far as to call it hate, but the climactic duel scene? I was checking my watch. So that's why it failed for me.
its wasnt the best of the new narnia movies (the goes to LLW) but it was still good,not as good as the book though.
"Why do people hate this movie? Book purists...what else can I say?"

Fantasma, the changes were just one issue. As a movie in general, I simply found it to be a recycled war movie. I don't feel it added anything special.

"Why do people hate this movie? Book purists...what else can I say?"

Fantasma, the changes were just one issue. As a movie in general, I simply found it to be a recycled war movie. I don't feel it added anything special.


I agree, the changes were just one issue. I just said that because that's normally what people mean when they say they hate PC.
No one hates PC, but a lot of people disliked it. Just look at the poll on this thread. That should give you a good sampling of the general feeling.
Well, actually, I do hate that movie. I've been trying to articulate more clearly in my own mind why I despise it so much, and I think I've arrived at a further insight.

If you talk with Vietnam War veterans, you will find that nowhere near all of them, or even a majority of them, are drug-addicted, burned-out psychotic losers who can never contribute to society. But much of the popular media culture has pushed a fantasy that they ALL ARE those burned-out losers; and on their behalf, I resent that. Now, just as the media have spread a malicious lie that America's veterans are no good for anything once they come back from the battlefield, so Andrew Adamson made up a malicious revision in which Peter Pevensie was no good for anything once he got back from his adult life in Narnia. I resent that, too.