Wizards and Witches Academy

Jen, wlking through the halls, looking at a sheet of parchment, almost tripped when a familiar voice called. "Jen!!" James, one of her best friends, called, and bounded up. "Hey! How wa your summer?" she asked, smiling, and James's laid-back personality took over. "Great! did you et my letter about Emily?" he asked, and Jen nodded. Emily, her other best friend, was out of the country at the moment, visiting a dragon site with her family. "Yeah, I'm sure she was positivly thrilled..." she said.
Eve walked past Jeremy, seeing that he had just started to talking to some other girl. She saw Lilly, waved at her, and ran over.


"Hey, anything wrong?" Jeremy asked.
Jen smiled, and a message echoed through the halls from the headmaster. "All students report to the Great Hall for the Welcoming Ceremony" it said, and Jen and her friend Appeared there, poofing in with magic.
There was no assigned seats, and you could sit with your friends. Though Jen had to go sit with the other Prefects, she found that she got along best with only a few.
OOC: lol...yay.

Mitch had been sitting on his bed, glancing at his hands until he heard the announcement drift by his bedroom door.
Standing up, Mitch opened his door with his wand and came out of his bedroom slowly.
He may have looked a bit dodgy by his movements, but Mitch did not care nor notice.
Shutting his door behind him, Mitch made his way to the Great Hall, going down corridors and up passageways, knowing full well the direction he was taking.
Mitch ended up in front of the large open doors, slightly out of breath but he had made it.
Now, the only choice was where to sit. As to that, Mitch was not truely sure.
Deciding it did not really matter, Mitch sat upon a stone bench that was at the very end of the Great Hall, nearby the large doors.
Pocketing his wand before sitting down, Mitch crossed his arms in front of him and glanced forward to where the faculty sat.
Jen, who sat ata table not too far from the door, nodded as the Headmaster lsightly pointed at teh door. She stood, and shut the magnificent oak doors, smiling at who sat next to them, as the headmaster began his welcome! and welcome back speach....
Mitch heard the doors close beside him, the great grinding of the old but solid hinges ringing in his ears.
He did not pay much attention to anything else but the headmaster, whom had stood up to speak.
It would be the same boring speech, but Mitch was grateful for it because very soon after the speech there would be a feast in honour of the First Years and the return of the others.

OOC: lol...had to remind myself...no houses....no Sorting Hat.
Jen watched the Headmaster, listening to his words. They were wise, and she knew that if the newcomers were smart, they would listen to them thoroughly.
"Come on..Lets sit together." Lilly said

Eve sat down happily next to Lilly. She was glad someone was being nice to her.

Cho♥Harry;1203526 said:
Lula still had hold of Jeremy's Arm they both set down by Mitch.
" hi there," she said looking at him with a half smile on her face.

Jeremy sat down next to Lula but looked for an excuse to get up. "Hey, there's my sister," he said.