Wizards and Witches Academy

Im back :)

Jacob walked around his room to the open window looking out onto the lake. There were a couple mermaids jumpoing around and playing. He sat at the edge of the window and opened his Defensive Magic book. "Lets see" he said to himself. He whipped out his wand. " I should learn how to cast a patronous " he cleared his throat. " EXPECTO PATRONOUM " he shouted loudly. And a burst of light shone from the tip of his wand. A lion landed on the floor and let out a huge roar. Jacob gave a wave of his wand and the lion dissapeared. He smiled and tried another spell. " STUPIFY " he said loudly, and a red light burst from his wand and hit the lamp making it break. " Uh oh " he said getting to his feet. " Umm , urrmmm " he stammered. " Repario " he shouted and the lamp became normal and unbroken again. Then all of a sudden a loud bell clanged. He looked at his sceduale and he had Defence against the dark arts. He got up , grabbed his books and shot oput the door and down to the class.
Cho♥Harry;1208970 said:
Lula was all ready in class she was reading on of her spell books when she sae Jacob.
" hey over here," she said waveing at him.

He smiled and sat down. " Hey Lula " he said looking at her. " So, whos are teacher? "
Cho♥Harry;1209045 said:
She look at him odd.
" how do I know never been in this class before," she said opening her spell book.

" Umm " he said looking puzzled. " I dont know , forget i asked " He opened his spell book too and read a paragraph on patronouses. He then looked over at Lula. " What animal is your patronous "
She laugh.
" you don't know oh little boy you know to learn who I am," she said in her weird giggle,
she shook her head.
" I just kindling dear my animal is lion of course," she said with her noise all wrinkled up.
Cho♥Harry;1209076 said:
She laugh.
" you don't know oh little boy you know to learn who I am," she said in her weird giggle,
she shook her head.
" I just kindling dear my animal is lion of course," she said with her noise all wrinkled up.

" Oh Really ?! " He said . " Mines a lion too " he smiled.
She laugh.
" oh that's cool I think," she said looking down at her book then said something,
she point her wand at Jacob.
" Aspoteres," she said then a lion cub was on his lap.
Cho♥Harry;1209110 said:
She laugh.
" oh that's cool I think," she said looking down at her book then said something,
she point her wand at Jacob.
" Aspoteres," she said then a lion cub was on his lap.

Jacob laughed and tried to pet the lion cub but it jumped onto the desk. He took out his wand and whispered " Expexto patronoum " . A large Lion shot out of his wand and ran around the classroom roaring. The students screamed and laughed. Then , all of a sudden the teacher entered. She drew her wand and flicked it towards the lion. It dissapered. " Enough nonsence " she said sternly. She looked around , her long black hair waving. She strode up to the desk and sat down. "Now class, today we will be practising the expellarmas spell" The class broke out in whispers.
Cho♥Harry;1209141 said:
Lula rolled her eyes.
" oh joy this be fun well it?," she said to herself looking at Jacob with a half smile on her face.

He laughed. Unfortunitly the teacher heard. " MR.CROMWELL " she said sternly. " You think just because your parents are rich you can do whatever you want in my class , I SAID QUIET " she yelled. Jacob looked at her. " I only laughed proffeser " he said coldly. " Well thats going to cost you detention in my office today 20 minutes , COUNT IT CROMWELL " .
Lula's eyes got wide then she wishppered something.
" It spites," she said then then time went back ward before he even got in trouble,
she put her wand away.
" you welcome," she said to him turning back to her back after class she went to find Jeremy.
Jacob got up from his desk and waled down the hall , down the stairs and out the front door of the castle. He came into a large courtyard that was empty. He came upon a huge fountain in the middle of the courtyard. He walked over to it and a couple pennies were at the bottem. He was about to turn away when he saw an image. It was a girl looking up at him. Then , the water from the fountain burst upward and it turned and swirved around like a circus act. Jacob looked at it , astonished. Then , the water suddenly fell back into the large fountain and a girl was floating in mid-air where the water was going crazy. She eyed him strangly. She had long silver hair to her waist and silver blue eyes. She had a long white dress on and it flowed evewn though there was no wind. She smiled and finally spoke. " I am the witch of the fountain ". " Hi , Im jacob Cromwell " he replied. " I know you " she said curiously. " I once apparated into the fountain outside your home. You were in the yard with a women , flying on a broom " she said. " Yes , that was when i was 5 , mum was teaching me how to fly." He looked at her in amazment. " Do you have a proper name " he asked boldly. " Yes , my name is Sara , do you want to be friends " She said exititly. " Yea , id like that " Then they started into a large conversation.
Lula was walking around the castel with her wand in her left hand she was still looking for Jeremy.

OOC: this what she looks like
OOC: lol....maybe it was a mistake to join this...fast-paced. :p lol, just kidding.
Oh, forgot, Mitch's wand is 10 inch mahogany wand. Unicorn hair.

Mitch had seen others sit nearby him but had not stated anything, which was not hard to do since he was mostly ignored anyway.
Mitch had heard the headmaster finish his speech and got up, wandering over to a table. Picking up a Pumpkin Pastie, Mitch walked over to one of the large columns on the side of the Great Hall and leaned against the stone column, eating his pumpkin pastie silently.
Mitch heard the call for the 400's and was thankful he was in 300's. Being a third year, he did not need to go with the prefect that called for the 300's.
Deciding not to hang around, Mitch walked over to a side door and let the Great Hall, on his way back to his room.

In his room, Mitch sat on a stool beside a small wooden desk.
He looked at the piece of blank parchment before him and knew he had work to do.
Unlike other students, Mitch was a little more troublesome, if somewhat at the wrong place at the wrong time.
His mischivious acts had penalized him from certain studies and he had to sit and write an essay on Muggle History, one of his least favoured subjects of the school.
Dipping his Raven feathered quill into the ink pot, Mitch started to write upon the parchment.
After his conversation with sara, He went back into the castle and came to a blank wall. He tapped it with his wand three times on different stones. Then the wall started to shake , and the bricks started to form a doorway. He entered it and the bricks returned to normal. He was now in the hallway with all the 400s rooms. He walked down the dimly lit hall till he got to 405. He took out a glowing key from his pocket and opened the door to his room. When he got in his room he lid down on his bed and slowly fell asleep.
Lula came to a someones door she slid down playing with her wand for awhile.
" Laptras," she said the a mirror came up to her,
she look into it with a frown.
" mirror mirror in the air who is the fairies of the all?," she ask just playing around.
Jacob woke up in the middle of the night. He now was not feeling at all tired now. He got up and walked over to the window. He opened it and sat on the ledge looking down at the lake. It was as still as glass and the moon made a silloute across it. A nearby owl fluttered down and swooped over the lake. Its claws skidded the surface and the water was no longer still. Ripples cascaded from one end to the other. The owl caught a fish from the lake and flew off over the forest with it. Jacob looked downward towards the castle grounds. 2 floors below him another window was open. He could hear voices and laughter coming from it. He wondered who it was so he took his broom from the corner and mounted it. He glided out the window and went to the open window. It was the staff room. He gasped and took off into the midnight air faster than they could see him.He flew over around the lake and over the forest. He then came back and flew around the castle for a while when he seen 3 prefects patrolling the grounds. One had spotted him. " HEY YOU THERE " the prefect shouted. Jacob zoomed around and went to the other side of the school where his opne window was. He flew through the window and landed with a thud on the floor
Jen, who was also patrolling the grounds and hallways, looked down as Jacob fell to the floor. though, at that moment, Greg, another rude, awful prefect, came running up. "What's that boy doing out of hours?! It'll be detention for a week!" he sid, and Jen bent over, helping Jacob up. "No reason. I asked him to run out to the garden's, to help with that potion we need to do,remember?" she said, and Greg, reluctantly nodded. "Yeah. Sure, but next time, don't look so sneeky about it~!" he said to Jacob, and walked dow nteh hall again.