New member
You see, since Inkling owns the Realm of Memory, she controls the memories of all the people here... it's really annoying sometimes.
*Suddently A white plane flies over the Philippines. Done drops a bomb. A BIG nucler bomb.* HA HA Antartica Attacks
Now now, GKoN, your Balrogs are melting all the ice! *vaporizes some water w/ heat from Deneb* There, now the sea levels are back to normal...
MUWAHAHAHAHAHA!! Oh come on...I want to give Nebraska a coast line...
Poland's looking quite defenseless over yonder...*Skirts Germany n' invades Poland...along w/ most of Eastern Europe including Hungary,Austria,Bulgaria,Serbia,Latvia,Ukraine,Moldova, and all those former U.S.S.R territories* MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! EHEHEAHAHAHHAHAHAAA!! *Eye twitches*
"Your services vill no longer be required..." *Boots German troops out of Serbia*
I'll go after the rest of the galaxy. *fries Rigel's planets w/ heat from Deneb, then freezes them by moving Rigel away*
*moves Rigel back and occupies the Rigellian planets*
*does the same for Betelgeuse, Spica, Antares, Vega, and Alpha Centauri*
*forms elite batallions of Centaurian marines*
*spits magnetic jet at black hole*
*black hole disappears*
Oh, did I hurt your pet, GKoN?
Y'know, I thought we were kinda allied...
I think such things slip GKoN's ming now and again. He has a bit of a faulty memory.
BTW, completely off topic, but does anyone have an opinion on the 'Sony Cybershot DSC-H5' vs. the 'Panasonic DMC-FZ7' vs. the 'Panasonic DMC-FZ50' vs. the 'Canon Powershot S3 IS'?
I cannot believe that you are keeping this thread alive.It is always good to see my name live on in the opening pages.
PS. Remember, if you do not behave I will come back from the dead (ie retirement) and haunt you all!!
PPS. This school keyboard is REALLY bad. I had to retype this message like 5 times. Like, wadupwiddat?