Would you rather...


New member
Answer the question above you & ask one. They have to be "Would you rather" choices.

I searched & couldn't find a thread like this, so...

Would you rather be embarrassed in front of a huge crowd or lose a wallet containing $200?
physics (I don't know what it is but is sounds better than chicken pox!)
and btw there was a thread for this once, where it is I don't know but there used to be one.;)

would you rather be caught in a snowstorm or on a boat in a storm at sea?

Physics is science that is 60% math.

Would you rather go on a vegetable-only diet or eat a worm?
Ah--a tarantula, I think, because many tarantulas aren't aggressive, and they basically can't kill you...

Would you rather eat a worm or a tarantula?
A tarantula, if it was fried and crispy. Worms are too gooey. (Actually, my little brother had to take a home remedy made of ground tarantula once;))

Would you rather be attacked by a tiger or a taipan?
Cirith Ungol. There's a bigger chance taking on 1 giant spider than 10000000000 Orcs. Anyway, Frodo, Gollum and Sam got through alive, and I don't think anyone made it through Black Gate, so, yeah.

Would you rather be chained to a log headed over Niagara Falls or slice your finger on a rusty piece of metal 2 months away from the nearest hospital?
Cirith Ungol. There's a bigger chance taking on 1 giant spider than 10000000000 Orcs. Anyway, Frodo, Gollum and Sam got through alive, and I don't think anyone made it through Black Gate, so, yeah.

Would you rather be chained to a log headed over Niagara Falls or slice your finger on a rusty piece of metal 2 months away from the nearest hospital?

(I chose Cirith Ungol too.)

finger on rusty metal. (It sounds better :p)

wyr fall out of an airplane or fall into a river swarming with piranahs?
Fall into a river filled with piranhas. Unless I had a parachute.

Would you rather be stranded in the mountains in winter or the desert in summer?
mountians. at least you could melt snow for water, and not all mts have snow.

would you rather be stuck on a ship in the middle of an ocean with no water (or wind) or on Mt. Doom with no water? (I asked my friend this once.:p)
Mt. Doom, because I could climb down. I'd be completely stuck on the ocean if there was no wind or anything.

Would you rather go to a football or hockey game?
A horror movie, definitely. Most horror movies are just dumb, not scary.

More importantly, I would DIE of embarrassment watching a love movie with my parents. (Don't know why, though:confused:) The fast-forward button on the remote usually solves such problems, though!;)

Would you rather be in a falling tree or under it?
In, definitely. I'd have a chance at survival.

Which would you rather do every day of your life: do one geometry proof (for those who haven't done geometry yet, this is KILLER MATH), or eat one fingernail clipping from somebody else's fingernails?
at my age, definatly cancer. how would I explain an STD to my parents... or myself?

would you rather watch Paranormal State (it's a TV show about REAL hauntings) all night and only end up getting 3 hours of sleep (exactly what happened to me last night) or drink cactus juice?
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Cactus juice, any day.

Would you rather walk from Charleston to Dallas or live in Antarctica for a year?