Would you rather...

Would you rather be bald or have 70 feet of hair?

Bald, I suppose. The weight of all the hair would make it difficult even to walk.

Would you rather be the captain of a sports team which often lost, or a second-string player on a high-ranking team?
In danger, there's no question.

Would you rather have to spend the night alone in the (*Bela Lugosi impersonation*) deep, dark woods, or single-handedly steer a ship through a enormous storm?
Navy veteran though I am, I'll take the woods. There, at least I might be able to find a sheltered spot, minimizing the danger of wild beasts getting at me. In a storm on the ocean, you have in effect THE WHOLE WORLD trying to kill you.

Would you rather have to try to shoe a horse, or put an ox in harness for plowing?
Ox-harnessing. I've harnessed a horse before, so it can't be that different...

Would you rather have to memorize 10 pages of prose in English, or 5 pages of prose in a language that is completely foreign to you?
The English, of course.

Teach a child how to ride a bicycle? Or teach a brain-injured accident victim how to RE-learn to dress herself?
Teach a child to ride a bike.

Would you rather wear comfortable clothes with a hideous magenta and lime green skull pattern on them, or clothes that were flattering but extremely uncomfortable?