Would you rather...

The dark, creepy forest.

Would you rather:

-sing a Justin Bieber song, in a ridiculous costume, on TV, with all your friends and family watching


-work for seven years washing dishes without pay?
7 years washing dishes. the other option sounds humiliating and I'd probably freeze up if it happened.:rolleyes:

would you rather be stuck in the middle Antartica with no coat or the middle of the Sahara desert with no water?
The Sahara desert. If I was in Antarctica with no coat, I would unquestionably die; in the Sahara with no water, there's a possibility I might survive. Especially if I had a cell phone.

Would you rather chew on a pencil in front of someone you are trying to impress, or eat Brussels sprouts in private?
Eat brussel sprouts in private. They're not tasty, but they're not as bad as people make them out to be.

Would you rather be 3 feet tall or so tall that you have to duck to enter any doorway?
An extremely boring essay! The other option would scar me for life. The essays would be boring, but no one said that they had to be long.

Would you rather always overpost or only get on for ten minutes a day?
ten minutes a day :p....

would you rather have to sleep on a floor made out of cactus every night, or have a tarantula living in your hair for the rest of your life?
EEEEEEEK!!!! I can't stand the thought of having a spider live in my hair! I would rather sleep on cactus! No one said they were still prickly!

Would you rather:
have your eye poked out with a sharp stick
have your hand nibbled on by a cannibal
Neither option sounds very pleasant, but I'd choose to have my hand nibbled on by a cannibal: a hand can be replaced by a prosthetic limb, but you cannot replace lost sight.

Would you rather find yourself in Jadis the white witches house or Sauron's Dark Tower in Mordor?
Rome during Nero's reign. At least I could run. There was no running from the plague.

Would you rather not be allowed to eat on Saturdays or sleep on a board at night?
Not be allowed to eat on Saturdays. I could always sneak food if I got too hungry.:D

Would you rather never eat dessert again or only eat dessert for the rest of your life?
Don't know either one...so I'll pick the girl, because she'd probably be easier to kidnap. Unless you would let me kidnap both, which would be fun. Pretty pretty please? Bet they would behave better than Waldo.

Would you rather see the Shiny Trash Can run over, or declare your everlasting love for Sushi?
Watch the shiny trash can get run over. *evil laugh* Actually, I have no idea what the shiny trash can is.:p I really need to catch up on the duffer encyclopedia...

Would you rather be too goofy and unable to take anything seriously, or eternally solemn and lacking a sense of humor?
Er. Tough question. If I HAD to choose, I SUPPOSE the latter. I wouldn't be too happy in life but at least I wouldn't be ANNOYING. LOL.

Would you rather have a computer with dial up internet or a tv with only the news channels and soap operas on it?
The TV with no interesting channels, because I don't really watch TV anyway. Now the internet, on the other hand...:D

Would you rather lose all your CD's or DVD's?