Would you rather...

Would you rather live on a boat or live in outer space?

Outer space. Because the Galactica is out there... somewhere, and I'd have a better chance of finding her and the colonial fleet if I was in space.:D

would you rather be able to go anywhere you wanted in history or go to any other world you wanted to (and still be able to get back from either)?
The roller coaster, as long as it didn't go upside down. If it did--well, an even chance either way....

Would you rather have to learn Russian or do two geometric proofs every day for ten years?
The proofs would probably take less time per day, but I'm sick of geometry. So the Russian, I guess...

Would you rather do something very dangerous, or something very embarrassing?
What a choice! I DON'T find either at all appealing to eat! However, my choice would be Ladybugs, without a doubt: they aren't so slimey!

Would you rather be swept out to sea by a riptide, or be attacked by a man-eating shark?
Swept out to sea I'm terrified of sharks ever sense I saw a clip from Jaws

Would you rather surf in shark infested waters or go swimming with a bunch of electric eels?
lol NIC, we've got a bunch of deadly WYR before and then chips and icecream! haha.
Probably the ice cream bar.;)

Would you rather get lost in the spider-infested woods of Mirkwood or the winding tunnels of Shelob's Lair?
(I know, I have such wonderful options don't I?:p)
lol NIC, we've got a bunch of deadly WYR before and then chips and icecream! haha.
Probably the ice cream bar.;)

Would you rather get lost in the spider-infested woods of Mirkwood or the winding tunnels of Shelob's Lair?
(I know, I have such wonderful options don't I?:p)

I don't know those places but I 'm gonna have to say the winding tunnels of Shelob's Lair. I HATE SPIDERS THEY ARE SO GROSS!!!!!

Would you rather have a ham sandwich or a turkey sandwich?
A million dollars. I'd love the dragon egg, but if it hatched, what could I do with the dragon? Most likely, the authorities would seize it. And even if they didn't, how would I feed the dragon?

Would you rather always be practical and unimaginative or always be imaginative but never be practical or a good problem-solver?
Imaginative and impractical, I guess. Maybe.

Would you rather take a college-level math class or scrub the floor of your house with a toothbrush?
Toothbrush. Definitely. I'd do a little a day for a couple of years.

Would you rather be ugly and evil but smart, or beautiful, good, and stupid?
Toothbrush. Definitely. I'd do a little a day for a couple of years.

Would you rather be ugly and evil but smart, or beautiful, good, and stupid?

I would rather be ugly, evil, and smart. Because whats the point of being beautiful and good if your stupid and can't do anything the right way?

Would you rather...
Be married to someone rich that doesn't love you for you,
Be married to a poor person and live in a box but be loved for who you are?
I don't know those places but I 'm gonna have to say the winding tunnels of Shelob's Lair. I HATE SPIDERS THEY ARE SO GROSS!!!!!

Would you rather have a ham sandwich or a turkey sandwich?

*dies laughing* Shelob is a GIANT spider. :D

I'd rather live in a box and be loved for who I am, I guess...

Would you rather never see another movie or never listen to music again?
*dies laughing* Shelob is a GIANT spider. :D

I'd rather live in a box and be loved for who I am, I guess...

Would you rather never see another movie or never listen to music again?

Well movies have music in them, but I love music so....
I guess I'd rather never see another movie. Except that it would mean that I'd never see MN, the Hobbit or HTTYD 2, erg! I can't decide!:p

Would you rather live in a cave your entire life or in a dark, creepy forest?