Would you rather...

Twenty. I think. It would probably kill me. Not raising the kids, having them.

Would you rather eat mud or sit all day in a room of bleach fumes?
A huge nose. Hands are awfully useful so I would hate to lose one!

Would you rather never eat chocolate again or never again eat ice cream?
That's the equivalent of "Would you rather have your left foot cut off, or your right one?" I might be able to get along slightly better without chocolate, but....

Would you rather have a sore throat or a bad cough?
Sore throat. At least it won't bother other people around me. :p

Would you rather never listen to music again, or never see another movie?
Miss D, this question is about as evil as your last one. If I choose to retain movies and lose music, does that mean I won't be able to hear the theme song in Chariots of Fire any more?

Would you rather go hiking in high heels or give a high-pitched rendition of "Found a Peanut" at an educational seminar?
"Found a Peanut." Heels and me don't get along. And at least my little brothers would think I was cool for singing "Found a Peanut." They'd be rather disgusted about the heels.

Would you rather eat too much and feel stuffed all day, or be hungry all day?
I've been skimping on too many meals that coincided with live classes lately to feel very partial to the hunger idea. I'd rather be stuffed.

Would you rather take a class called "Psychoanalyzing the Cat in the Hat," or one called "The Influence of Gothic Architecture on Green Eggs and Ham"?
I'd rather psychoanalyze the Cat in the Hat, painful as that would be. And since I don't have a lunch hour three days a week (my bird ancestors are showing; I eat fruit and nuts), I sympathize with you about the hunger. I'm actually rather stuffed right now. Too much spaghetti at a church dinner.

Would you rather have people smirk at where you say you grew up, or get awed and googly-eyed because they think of it as being something that it isn't?
Would you rather have people smirk at where you say you grew up, or get awed and googly-eyed because they think of it as being something that it isn't?

I'd rather they smirked; it's much more fun to fly into a defensive temper about your home, than it is to say, "Yeah sure, well, it's really not that great..."

Would you rather have a professor fascinated by the Great Influenza, or one who suddenly asks for a different footnoting style than the only one you learned?
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I'd rather have one fascinated by influenza. At least that would be somewhat interesting, if a little odd.

Would you rather be a lawyer or a fish?
I would much prefer not getting married. I don't really see myself getting married any time soon anyway, honestly, so it's not too big of an issue.

Would you rather live in Narnia or Middle Earth?
That's hard! :eek: Probably Narnia.

Would you rather die by drowning or have someone murder you- quickly and painlessly?
A gun, considering that you didn't include a bow to shoot the arrow with... ;)

Would you rather inherit a massive fortune, or earn it?
Dull and spiritless. It's a little bit less obnoxious to others.

Would you rather always wear a hat or never wear shoes?
Never wear shoes.

Would you rather have be robbed non-violently every day of your life or live on a deserted island?