Would you rather...

A python. They're probably easier to kill (with their thin necks and all.)

Would you rather listen to your least favorite song or read your least favorite book?
A pirate. I could stop being a pirate if I wanted to; I couldn't stop being a slave.

Would you rather be a cowboy or an astronaut?
Cowboy. I don't really like astronauts...or weightlessness. One ride on a giant swing was enough to cure me of any desire to be weightless. Or upside down, lifting off from earth... *shudders* I hate being upside down.

Would you rather be forced to take a killer science course, or a killer math course?
Killer science course, I guess... But both would be dreadful.

Would you rather be invisible or be able to see through walls?
Be invisible. There are some walls that I don't want to see through.

Would you rather be an actor/actress or a farmer?
I think acting would be more fun than farming--in fact, I hate weeding gardens and taking care of chickens and such--but I'd rather be a farmer than an actress any day.

Would you rather spend an hour walking around a mall or working out Proposition I.16 of Euclid's Elements?
Walking around the mall. Or digging a ditch. Or cleaning a toilet. Anything but Euclid.

Would you rather take a course in government or economics?
The kiddie movie. Presumably it would be shorter. Also, I could make up a sarcastic commentary to go along with it.:p

Would you rather be gullible or paranoid?
Being Amish is definitely better than being a hermit. Unless you mean a hermit crab.

Would you rather eat tofu or sushi? (Not Sushi! :mad: *hugs Sushi*)
The kiddie movie. Presumably it would be shorter. Also, I could make up a sarcastic commentary to go along with it.:p

That's a lot of fun. :D

Tofu... I've heard enough about sushi that I never want to SEE it, much less EAT it. Tofu would be bad too, though.

Would you rather live in a desert or on an iceberg?
Desert. I've heard of desert dwellers, but not of anyone who survives for long on an iceberg.

G.K. Chesterton or George MacDonald?
A toe would probably be easier to get along without (depending on which toe, I suppose).

Would you rather travel the world and not have a home, or have a home but not be able to leave your state?
The same, although that could be awkward, as my church is just across the state line.

Would you rather be an Orc or a Troll?