Would you rather...

My phone, for sure. I already lost it.. It is NOT fun searching for the best phone you've ever had (and only had for a month) and not finding it ever again. Blah. I would go insane if I lost a COMPUTER LOL.

Would you rather have tons of friends on the interenet but be forced to stay alone in real life or have tons of friends in real life but never allowed to talk to anyone online?
Ooooh, that's a hard one!!! I have so many great friends online and in real life... I think I'd have to say people in real life. In real life at least you get to connect with one another face-to-face. :)

If you were a video game character... would you rather be Mario or Link?
Ooooh, that's a hard one!!! I have so many great friends online and in real life... I think I'd have to say people in real life. In real life at least you get to connect with one another face-to-face. :)

If you were a video game character... would you rather be Mario or Link?

LINK I would love his sword ect and I also like the costumes and the way everyone lives on the game :D

WYR: Be a bird specialist or an insect specialist???
A rat. Rats seem more agile.

Would you rather have your least favorite drink with your favorite meal, or your favorite drink with your least favorite meal?
Hahaha hard choice.Being a bookoholic I would choose read.However,since I'm also an aspiring writer I also choose write.So BOTH! :D

Would you rather...meet your favorite band or meet your favorite author?
Well, what if I wouldn't want to meet either :p ?

Would you rather:
Eat fried worms or put a staple into your finger with a stapler?
Would you rather:
Eat fried worms or put a staple into your finger with a stapler?

staple in my finger. I'd never get it into my finger even but if I did it'd be no more painful that a full-grown tomcat biting me :rolleyes: (which has happened before, several times by different cats but I remember that one the most vividly)

wyr get stuck in another world and never be able to come back to your own or stay in a house with no adventures or contact with people (except your parents) till you're 40?
Get stuck in the other world---with my family, pets, computer, books, a cell phone for contact with Earth, and a book on modern medicine to educate the inhabitants in case of an emergency.

Would you rather have invisibility or flight?
Get stuck in the other world---with my family, pets, computer, books, a cell phone for contact with Earth, and a book on modern medicine to educate the inhabitants in case of an emergency.

Would you rather have invisibility or flight?


Would you rather have an Ipad or an Iphone.
It would depend on whether or not it was a nice dragon. ;)

Would you rather be sucked into a LotR, Harry Potter, or Narnia movie?
NOT Harry Potter, because, as a "Muggle" (normal person), I'd either be brainwashed, persecuted, or treated like a five-year-old. Not Lord of the Rings, either, I guess---I'm rotten at fighting, so chances are I'd be wiped out by an orc or Nazgul.:p So...Narnia (where healing cordial exists.;)) Plus I'd get to meet Aslan!:D

Would you rather have everyone in the world terribly jealous of you, or terribly sorry for you?

EDIT: Narnia Ice Cream's question-I'd rather be smart, because then I could figure out a way to become rich, too.
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Would you rather be the most beautiful person in the world but be shallow and stupid, or be the ugliest person on the earth but be a genius?

EDIT: @Sea Star: Hmm... That's a hard one. I think terribly sorry for me. When people are jealous of you, life is misery.
Ugly genius. I'd make a lot of money through my inventions and writings, and use it to get plastic surgery. And if that didn't work, at least I'd be able to think of the most witty sarcastic replies to anyone who dared insult my looks.

Would you rather have a pet cheetah or a pet falcon? (Assuming they're both tame and wouldn't harm you.)

Would you rather be the most beautiful person in the world but be shallow and stupid, or be the ugliest person on the earth but be a genius?

EDIT: @Sea Star: Hmm... That's a hard one. I think terribly sorry for me. When people are jealous of you, life is misery.

THAT IS SOOOOO TUFF TO ANSWER!!!!!!! :eek: :confused:
I don't know...

a pet cheetah

Would you rather live in the swamp,or in the middle of NO WHERE? :confused:
The middle of nowhere. Swamps are gross! :p

Which would you rather find in your house in the middle of the night... And alligator or a python?