Would you rather...

I would rather be a dork than a geek.:D

Would you rather be a Mathematician or a Scientist? (I would rather be a Scientist)

What about you?
Give me a little footbridge over a shallow creek.

Would you rather miss a meal, or have to eat someone's leftovers from their plate?
.....What's the difference? @_@
Ummm.....2010 World Cup sounds better haha! XD

WYR be hit by lighting and survive or die in your sleep?

I think I'd rather be struck by lightning that die in my sleep but it depends whether I would be paralysed coz then I'd rather die in my sleep.

Would you Rather be in a room full of Crocodiles or be in a room full of sharks???
sharks, They'll leave you alone for the most part because they dont count you as food. Crocs do :)

would you rather.....
Be thrown into a pit of screaming fangirls or.... have mutant children?
I hope I don't have screaming fangirls for myself, because if they're not directed at me, I think I could handle it. Fangirls it is!

Would you rather... be nervous or be embarrassed?
.....What's the difference? @_@
Ummm.....2010 World Cup sounds better haha! XD

Olympics is world wide general competition
World Cup is a world wide football competition

I hope I don't have screaming fangirls for myself, because if they're not directed at me, I think I could handle it. Fangirls it is!

Would you rather... be nervous or be embarrassed?

nervous, cause embarras...ness seems to stick with me

River hiking or tree climbing ?
they are what they say