Would you rather...

Earth for the gravity, space for the company.

Would you rather be forced to write 1,000 pages of text by hand or type 1 million pages of text using a keyboard?
If it didn't matter what the text said, I'd pick the million pages and put a brick on the computer keyboard.:p

Would you rather die or be turned to stone?
Depends on how long I'd remain stone. Probably I'd rather die. It's easier to mourn a dead person that a stone person.

So sorrowful our world tonight,
So lonely is our sky,
Since Glenburne's eyes were marble-ized
And doomed to never die.

Now Glenburne stands a statue,
With lichens, fungus, moss
And other silent greenish life
Growing on our loss.

Would you rather meet your personal hero after having been painted completely painted green, or with chocolate smeared on your mouth?
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Painted green sounds less embarrassing.:p

Would you rather be hired to write the script for a 2-hour movie, or the pilot episode for a TV series?
A movie, because if I wrote just the pilot episode other screenwriters who continued the show would probably wreck my characters...:rolleyes:

Would you rather be Holmes or Watson?
Faramir; he's a little more controlled, even when angry.

Would you rather eat spinach or Brussels sprouts?
Would you rather love someone who doesn't love you back, or BE loved by someone who doesn't deserve to be heartbroken, yet for whom you just cannot feel anything romantic?
Would you rather love someone who doesn't love you back, or BE loved by someone who doesn't deserve to be heartbroken, yet for whom you just cannot feel anything romantic?
I would like love someone who doesn't love me back,because if someone loves you and you don't, then there always looking at you and always following you so basically they stalk you:(
but i have no worry because I have a little crush and I think he likes me back:D
Insane. Just not criminally insane.

Would you rather be the smartest person in the world but so physically hideous that people can't bear the sight of you, or be rather dumb but be the most beautiful person on earth?
Ummmm probably pretty,because you could learn. If you were horrendously ugly you couldn't change your face,but you could change your IQ with schooling.

Would you rather be the geekiest (yet cutest) chick in school and only get noticed by hot guys
or the coolest chick in school and only get noticed by nerds and ogerish boys?