Would you rather...

Warm milk, no question.

Would you rather have to tell a potential employer that you were late to your job interview because you were chased by a poodle or mistaken for a notorious bank robber?
Jail for 1 minute. Sounds less painful, and besides, there's less risk of getting a concussion with complications and all that.

Would you rather skydiving, or surfboarding in an area with sharks?
surfboarding with sharks; I've watched the Most Extreme, I know that sharks don't usually kill people, and I'm terrified of hights.:p

wyr meet a meowing wolf or a singing lizzard?:p
A meowing wolf; it would be more amusing.

Would you rather be one of the two ugly stepsisters in "Cinderella," or the man-eating giant in "Jack and the Beanstalk"?
Narnia. Chance of meeting my Savior in the form of Aslan. No contest.

Would you rather be pretty good at playing five musical instruments, good enough to be worth hearing....or be _incredibly_ good on just one instrument?
The former, probably because I'm more that way anyhow. I can play several at which I'm okay, enough to be in band at my university this semester; but I'm the lowest flute chair for a reason!

Would you rather be forced to eat soap or lotion?
Well, I suppose the dragon at least would kill me the quickest.

Would you rather have to move a lot of furniture, or dig a lot of holes?
Dig holes.

Would you rather be hit on the head by a copy of War and Peace dropped from twenty feet above you or by an acorn dropped from one hundred feet above you?
Oh dear, War and Peace. *shudder*

Acorn. So I don't have any contact with W and P.

WYR end up suddenly naked at the mall where everyone sees you, or in Antartica, where it's very, very, cold?
Naked at the mall. I don't think anyone ever literally dies of embarrassment.

Would you rather have to comfort a friend who had lost a loved one to death, or a friend who had been abandoned by a spouse?
Cold feet. You can't put shoes on your hands.

Would you rather have a cup of cod liver oil, or have to drink two gallons of hot chocolate at once?
Cod liver oil...ugh....

I guess the hot chocolate.

Would you rather be attacked by a rabid wolf or ten non-rabid wolves?
The snowstorm, because (1) it gives you more time to think of actions to save yourself, and (2) burning seems to me to be the worst way to die.

Would you rather learn juggling or snowboarding?
Snowboarding...although I'd likely get in an accident and go to the ER the first time I tried it.:p

The snowstorm, because (1) it gives you more time to think of actions to save yourself, and (2) burning seems to me to be the worst way to die.

I agree about it being the worst way to die...that or a tie with being suffocated. But if you were being burned at the stake, hopefully the smoke would make you pass out before you actually started burning up.:eek:

Would you spend three days in a simulator (drat, I know I spelled that wrong!) which made your mind believe that you were being buried alive, or spend three months in solitary confinement in a room that was 5x5 ft. square, with no windows?
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