Would you rather...

Unless there's another boat nearby, I think I'd rather be in the tornado. Better chance of survival, and I might end up in Oz.

WYR get lost in the middle of the jungle or in the middle of a mountain range?

Mountain range--fewer things looking to eat me.

WYR be turned loose to take free stuff from a clothing store (assuming a general type of clothing you like), or from a books-and-records store?
Ugh. I think acting in the sugary movie would be the lesser of two evils.:rolleyes: Only I'd have to be an extra or something. No major mushy parts.:p

Speaking of which, would you rather act a kissing scene or a death scene?
If I was in a hurry, under the mountain. But if I wasn't, I'd avoid the mountain altogether and go around it.:D
(And I usually fast-forward the "kissy scenes" in movies.:p)
It depends on who's kissing whom, and why.

Would you rather scold SeaStar for not providing the next question, or scold Seastar for not providing the next question? :D
The fish; I would cheat by just barely nipping it on the tail fin, then either kill it swiftly and mercifully for food, or else turn it loose in the water.

W-Y-R have some celebrity owe you a favor and be unsure whether he/she would remember, or get free two-person season tickets for something you like?
A stranger(provided the stranger just happened to be holding a tray of chocolate chip cookies,so i could snitch one or two)
WYR be chased by King Kong or Godzilla?
Although his fire-breath extends his reach, I would choose to be chased by Godzilla. Going by all the movies I have seen about both monsters, Godzilla is much less prone to single out one particular human whom he wants to kill, so I would have more hope of him losing interest in chasing me. In fact, some Japanese author seriously wrote about Godzilla as a metaphor of nature, saying that Godzilla was never out to kill people intentionally--he only wanted to destroy big cities, because he considered them unnatural.

Would you rather spend a day clearing weeds and brush from some outdoor place, or painting the inside and outside of a house?
Never watch the movies again....cause i could always read the books. :p

would you rather go around outside with shoes with no socks or socks with no shoes?