Would you rather...

The milk, I suppose.

Would you rather have to listen to someone bragging about himself, or listen to someone criticizing you?

Criticizing me

WYR have to locked yourself in the room with your fave movies or hung out with your bestfriends to a vacation which you hate, on weekend?
Favorite movies.

Would you stand on the top of a flagpole for 24 hours or be in a tiny capsule at the bottom of the Marianna Trench for 24 hours?
The flagpole. There, I wouldn't have millions of tons of water trying to crush me, and I could relieve myself much more freely.

WYR have ten friendly newpaper articles written about you, or have a radio disk jockey mention your name once on the air?
"Forgot" meaning "left at home?" In that case, my little sibling. Because he'd probably just sit there watching movies until I came home.

Would you rather have severe kleptomania or such a great fear of heights that you couldn't even climb up on a footstool?
The kleptomania, because I believe that my willpower would be better able to control greed than panic.

Would you rather be remembered for changing a dozen bad people into good ones, or for saving millions of lives by curing some terrible disease?
Tough call. But at least you get remembered either way. I think the 'correct' answer should be the turning bad people good, because in the long run I think that would have more impact, but I'm not sure that's my 'gut feeling' answer.

Along similar lines, would you rather be adored by millions during your life, but forgotten within five years of your death, or ignored during your life, but hailed as a great hero for millenia to come?

Ignored during my life, but hailed as a great hero for millenia to come.

Would you rather
-be forced to read a 2,000-novel that was disgustly poorly-written and disagreed with everything you believed---once a day for the rest of your life


-have every book you ever wrote get bashed so hard by critics that no one would ever touch it?
Would you rather
-be forced to read a 2,000-novel that was disgustly poorly-written and disagreed with everything you believed---once a day for the rest of your life


-have every book you ever wrote get bashed so hard by critics that no one would ever touch it?
Got to be the second one. Any sane author would know to ignore the critics anyway. At least I would have the consolation of knowing that I had written a book, which is more than most of the critics.

Would you rather be snowed in for a week with your heating broken, or have 50 degree (Celsius) temperatures for a week with your air-con broken and electricity cut off?

Snowed in; I have a fireplace.

W-Y-R tour a cemetery where famous people's bodies are buried, or be given ten randomly-chosen rare old books to read without knowing whether these would be interesting?
Hope you don't run out of wood in your week of being snowed in.

Tour the cemetry - that sounds like it might be interesting.

WYR be clobbered by giants playing cock-shies (TSC) or have your ship attacked by the great sea serpent (VDT)?

Slapped with a large fish. ;)

WYR be on the good side but get frozen or be on the bad side and be tortured?

Yes, I watched LWW today. ;)

do you mean turned to stone when you say frozen then? and I'd be on the good side, even if I was frozen OR turned to stone.;)

wyr single handledly raise 20 cats at the same time or 20 dogs at the same time?
Actually, I've done both!:D

But if I 've had my choice, I'd prefer the 20 cats, they are more polite at meal times. It's not really that fun being mobbed by hungry full-grown labs and German sheperds!

WYR be captured by Somalian pirates or held hostage by Arab terrorists?:p
The pirates. From all information I have so far, they are a bit less bloodthirsty than the terrorists.

Would you rather have someone dictate to you how you could and couldn't dress, or dictate what you could and couldn't eat?
What I eat. I already get the dictation on what and what not to wear @.@

Find out at midnight that you left your car unlocked or left the door unlocked?
Unless the way I found out was by a robber hitting me on the head, I would rather find I had left the house unlocked--that can be corrected more quickly.

Now, here's an example of the kind of loaded question used by salesmen:

Would you rather read MY sonnets, or read MY humor pieces?