Would you rather...

After some thought, Wales--but only because I've never been there and I have been in Scotland.

Would you rather attend a lecture given by someone you find interesting, or get hurried autographs from three favorite celebrities?
The Frankenstein monster--at least he had a good side at first.

Would you rather speak in front of a thousand people or play leap-frog in front of ten people?
Speak in front of a thousand people. I've done that lots of time.

Would you rather stay awake for the rest of your life or sleep for the rest of your life?
I'd rather stay awake for the rest of my life - I'll be able to do a LOT more things... though I'll miss my beautiful dreaming! :D

Would you rather marry a billionaire who's dull in company or a poor guy who's fun to be with? :p

Would you rather eat nothing but candies and desserts for the rest of your life, or eat nothing but fruit and vegetables for the rest of your life?
The fruits and vegetables, definitely--EVEN IF candy were available with equal nutrition. The candy would get monotonous sooner.

Assuming that neither of the following options caused any harm to your soul's ultimate condition in eternity, would you rather lengthen your earthly life another twenty years at the cost of moderate changes to your bodily shape, or another hundred years with your body greatly changed in shape?
Do I have to do either? Seriously, I'd prefer to have just the length of life and shape of body that God intends for me.

WYR have to fight a dragon or a minotaur?
Dragons and minotaurs are allowed, and human transformations aren't? :confused: Well, give me the minotaur; it can't breathe fire.

Would you rather be a candidate for a local public office yourself, or work on the campaign of a candidate for a major office?

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

"Every liberal is in reaction against the previous form of liberalism."
-- Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Dance---ballet, and if there were a lot of other dancers too, so the audience wouldn't be focusing on me and therefore wouldn't notice when I messed up.;)

Would you rather have the ability to control fire or snow and ice?
Mmmm...snow and ice. I want a snow day. Actually, I want a lot of snow days...snow forts in front of the dean's office...snow men by the front gate...snowball fights in front of the gym...yep.

Would you rather use a normal or mechanical pencil?
Lost pair of glasses.
Heck, no need to try and find them just buy a new pair ^^

WYR drink warm water or warm milk?