Would you rather...

There seem to be two of these "Rather" threads.

I would rather fight Jadis, because Saruman seems to have more long-range power than Jadis (not counting the winter curse which is not for individual targets, and the Deplorable Word whose use she lost). Just keep out of reach of her wand, and my Mossberg twelve-gauge pump gun will retire her.

Would you rather wear a color you dislike, or see many other people wearing a color you dislike?

Also, Jadis seemed to have limited magical powers in our world.

See others wearing it. You don't have to see them all day.

Would you rather celebrate Christmas or your birthday alone or with people you didn't like?
Alone. Deffinately. At least I wouldn't have to strangle people :p.

Would you rather be forced to dress up like a horse for a school play, or for a child's birthday party?
(strange question, I know :p)
For the birthday party; no script to memorize.

Would you rather ask the Mods to merge these two "Rather" threads, or to lock one of them?
Hm....pyramid-building, because it seems easier to escape on land than on sea.

Would you rather smash an expensive library tape by accident, ruining it along with your reputation at the library, or have someone stick an embarrassing sticker on your back (and you don't notice and go out in public?)
Hm....pyramid-building, because it seems easier to escape on land than on sea.

Would you rather smash an expensive library tape by accident, ruining it along with your reputation at the library, or have someone stick an embarrassing sticker on your back (and you don't notice and go out in public?)

sticker, my dad and I stick stickers on each other all the time.

wyr go up on an escolator or go down the stairs?
On a break!

Looove vacations! :D
And speaking of breaks... the real big ones...

WYR surf a 100 foot wave or free jump over the top of Angel Falls, the highest waterfalls in the world?

WYR find the perfect anniversary gift for a married couple you know, or the perfect birthday gift for a friend at your workplace?

WYR find the perfect anniversary gift for a married couple you know, or the perfect birthday gift for a friend at your workplace?

The anniversary gift; I don't have a workplace.

Would you rather have your birthday on Christmas or the 4th of July?
My birthday IS barely after Christmas! And my spiritual birthday, i.e. the date that I received Jesus as my Lord, is just before July fourth! :)

Would you rather have to exchange gifts which were given to you (such as if items of clothing were the wrong size), or find out that others had to exchange gifts you had given them?
Exchange presents with the person who gave me them.
Which life-threatening/scary situation would you like to get into?
-setting off enormous boxes of firecrackers(and being too close when they explode),something i like :p:)
-go swim with sharks(with you inside an-anti shark cage,but still...)
-be outside during a thunderstorm
Swim with sharks without a cage!:p
In fact, I've done a lot of free swimming with big sharks already and I can't wait till my next one!
Love running out barefoot in a storm too!

WYR be in a dungeon filled with cobras or in a tunnel with the minotaur?
The milk, I suppose.

Would you rather have to listen to someone bragging about himself, or listen to someone criticizing you?