Would you rather...

Narnia; from there I would get to the Wood Between the Worlds, and from there to...basically any other world, including Middle Earth.;)

Would you rather
-be conducting an orchestra and find out too late that someone had stuck an embarrassing sticker on your back
-walk into church, wonder why everyone was staring, and look at your reflection...to see that you had your hair was spiked and dyed bright red streaked with blue?
I would rather have my hair tampered with in the way described above--because it would be easier in this case, than in the orchestra scenario, for me to pretend that "I had done this on purpose."

Would you rather be lied about in a not-very-harmful way, and have thousands of people believe the lie, or be lied about in a viciously hateful way, but have only three or four people believe it?
I would rather have my hair tampered with in the way described above--because it would be easier in this case, than in the orchestra scenario, for me to pretend that "I had done this on purpose."

Would you rather be lied about in a not-very-harmful way, and have thousands of people believe the lie, or be lied about in a viciously hateful way, but have only three or four people believe it?

Not-very-harmful, I suppose.

Would you rather die young, but surrounded with love, or die at 100, all alone in a nursing home?
Hot chocolate...unless it's French vanilla coffee.

Would you rather fight with a straight sword or one with a curved blade?
Volleyball. I'm rotten at all sports except tennis & soccer, but volleyball's better than football, especially tackle football. I'd end up flat as a pancake.:p

Would you rather have a secret castle in the clouds or under the ocean? (with the ability to breathe in both locations, of course!)
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Boat. Ever since I saw "Foregin Correspondent" I'm a bit wary of planes:eek:...

BTW, Zella, I agree about Obi-Wan.:D

Would you rather have a week of horrifying, traumatizing nightmares or eat a soft leather shoe?
For covering distance, a plane; for fun, a boat.

For SeaStar's choice, the nightmares; they're not real.

Would you rather find out that your "best friend" really hates you, or find out that a really boring member of the opposite sex has a huge crush on you?
For covering distance, a plane; for fun, a boat.

For SeaStar's choice, the nightmares; they're not real.

Would you rather find out that your "best friend" really hates you, or find out that a really boring member of the opposite sex has a huge crush on you?

that a really boring member of the opposite sex has a crush on me... *shudders*... but it's way better!!

Would you rather have to spend a whole week in a room fulled of chocolates or gummy worms???
Gummy worms. I don't like them and do like chocolate, so there'll be less temptation to overeat!;)

You just got the autograph of your favorite celebrity, and a person offers to buy it for $500. Deal or no deal?
Gummy worms. I don't like them and do like chocolate, so there'll be less temptation to overeat!;)

You just got the autograph of your favorite celebrity, and a person offers to buy it for $500. Deal or no deal?

NOT deal! :D

Would you rather spend that $500 in a date with ur crush or cloth?
Cloth? Like material?:confused:
It'd have to be that, because I don't have a crush.:p

Would you rather be stranded on a desert island for 2 years with a constant chatterer or go permanently bald?
2 years on an island....I can always drown the chatterer or swim away :D

Would you rather watch a game of the least interesting sports you ever know or be at a concert completely in the background where you have no sight of the band/artist at all?
The concert; at least I would _hear_ the music.

Would you rather walk a kilometer barefoot over rocky ground, or have to crawl through a hundred-meter tunnel barely wide enough for your body to pass?