Would you rather...

Too cold. I hate being overheated.

Would you rather have to stifle a cough or stifle a sneeze?
The toxic waste, because I might be able to get out before enough was absorbed through my skin to poison me seriously.

Would you rather have to take an exam for a subject you know nothing about, or try to TEACH OTHERS a subject you know nothing about?
Teach others about something I know nothing about because my mom does that all the time and some how manages to pull it off wonderfully.

Would you rather constinantly be cold all the time or constinantly be hot all the time?
Assuming no sharks eat me, I choose the swimming. I have a lingering childhood fear of heights--although, oddly, this does not affect me in airplanes.

Would you rather dodge a hundred animals which were stampeding, but which were not purposely trying to kill you, or be threatened by ONE wild animal which wanted to kill you in particular?
Eat a poisonous snake, any day. It probably tastes like chicken--everything does.

Would you rather sit on top of a flagpole for twenty-four hours or be forced to chew your fingernails every day of your life?
Venison. It actually sounds pretty good, though none of us actually hunt. :p

Would you rather get a flagpole wedgie or get trampled on by a bunch of students?
Get trampled on.

Would you rather have someone shove twenty big marshmellows in your mouth or eat twenty brussels sprouts?
Venison IS good. Even when you acidentally burn it.:p

have marshmellows shoved in my mouth.

would you rather live at the south pole for a year or live in the universe for a year?

The universe? You mean outer space?
If so, I'd pick to live at the South Pole, in one of those heated stations for scientists.

Would you rather convict an innocent person or let a guilty person go free?
The universe? You mean outer space?
If so, I'd pick to live at the South Pole, in one of those heated stations for scientists.

Would you rather convict an innocent person or let a guilty person go free?

my science teacher says that the correct term for everything outside earth's apnosphere is the universe, so thats where I got that from.

let a guilty person go.

would you rather get taken to Isengard or the White Witch's house?
I'd like to live a long time,but immortality consists largely of boredom so...nah.
Would you rather never listen to music again or never use the computer again?