Would you rather...

Snowstorm. If I got caught in a sandstorm, I'd be in the desert, where I couldn't get help. You sometimes can't breathe in a sandstorm, and I think the sand can blind you. None of those things happen in a snowstorm.

Would you rather spend a week locked in a closet or sitting on top of the Statue of Liberty's head?
On the Statue of Liberty. Too suffocating in a closet!

Would you rather watch Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, or Narnia?
Umm, hard choice, but probably Narnia.

Would you rather have a book published or have a play an instrument at Carnegie Hall?
Book published, hands down. I'd shake all over the place at Carnegie Hall.

Would you rather get sick eating cookies or get sick eating icing?
Marvel...DC can stand for District of Columbia or Discipline Committee, neither of which are good things.

Would you rather live in Dublin or Edinburgh?
Is that a rhetorical question? In real life, I'd rather be a hero. Otherwise, I enjoy being villainous.

Would you rather drink tai chai tea or black coffee?
Badmitton. I'd never manage a cyber-raquet.

Would you rather visit the executive leader of your country dressed up as Eeyore, or stick a candy cane up your nose?
Mt. Everest, if i had a guide and lots of warm clothes etc. On Mt.Doom i'd have that freaky Sauron eye watching me.
What would you rather: be only able to shout, or only be able to whisper?
Being only able to whisper--I'd offend more people by shouting.

Would you rather eat powdered milk or swallow potato chips without chewing?
Being only able to whisper--I'd offend more people by shouting.

Would you rather eat powdered milk or swallow potato chips without chewing?

Swallow potato chips without chewing, powdered milk is NASTY! :cool::p

Would you rather die painlessly (like falling asleep and never waking up again) or excitingly (like in a hang gliding accident)?