Would you rather...

Encyclopedia! I do sometimes, actually. They're more interesting than dictionaries.

Would you rather face Darth Vader or the Emperor in a one-on-one duel?
Darth Vader. He seems more human. Not that it would really matter; either one could kill me in an instant.:p

Would you rather be blind or deaf?
Sorry, I must have posted just a few seconds after you. Run 553 miles.

Would you rather learn archery or fencing?
Sorry, I must have posted just a few seconds after you. Run 553 miles.

Would you rather learn archery or fencing?

Archery, because I already know it and love it.:D
Edit: and my cousin has tried to teach me some fencing, its hard!

would you rather give 800,000,533 dollars to charity or keep it?
Archery, because I already know it and love it.:D
Edit: and my cousin has tried to teach me some fencing, its hard!

would you rather give 800,000,533 dollars to charity or keep it?

I might want to keep it.
But I'd feel morally obliged to share with the less fortunate, of course;)
And end up giving some away anyway.
Not to mention tithe!

Would you rather lose a hand or a foot?
Shape shifting sounds more fun.;)Besides, you could always shape-shift into a teleporter!:D

Would you rather run into the Witch-King or Shelob?
The White Witch would turn you into stone, where you would be nicely preserved until Aslan came along and turned you back.

Maugrim would tear you to bits and you'd be beyond rescue.

But...I'd pick Maugrim, IF there was a nice tall tree around, where I could wait for a giant eagle to come along.:D

Would you rather be a king or a president?
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Dog, because if our dog ran away all we'd have to do is call her and she'd come back.

Would you rather be chased through deep snow up to your knees or in water up to your waist?
Snow--in water, you're more likely to lose your balance and fall, thus slowing you down.

Would you rather eat sushi or drink a mixture of coffee, sweet tea, coke, and egg nog?
Sushi, if there was enough rice to smother the taste. That coffee-coke-tea-eggnog mixture sounds...ugh...disgusting!

If someone found out all your embarrassing secrets and threatened to tell the world unless you paid them $500 a month, would you pay or not?
I wouldn't pay. I don't have enough embarrassing secrets to be worth that much money.:p

Would you rather wreck a car or put a cell phone through the washer?