Would you rather...

A lecture. I could just sit there and pretend to understand what the lecturer was talking about. Nobody would bother me with questions like they would at a ball.

Would you rather have someone yell at you in public, or serenade you (also in public)?
Serenade in public... It's a custom in some countries I visited and it's great:D
Would you rather play with Tilikum the orca or ride on the back of a bull hippo?
Peas. Green beans and me don't always get along well.

Would you rather live in a dirty hut with your family or a palace by yourself.
how 'bout a tiger shark?:p

wyr have to destroy an enormus gun with a bunch of criminals on a frozen planet or have to infiltrate the center of a dark lair of evil with enemies everywhere who wanted you dead and would stop at nothing to kill you?

(ok that second option sounds like something from LOTR though it was meant to sound like somthing from Battlestar :p)
Enormous gun/ criminals/ frozen planet. I'm not sure if you have anything in particular in mind, but it makes me think of Star Wars.

Would you rather encounter a ghost or an alien (FROM SPACE!!!)?
Pitbull. Hornets fly faster than I can run, plus I've already been chased by my dogs lots of times! ;) :p

Ummm....would you rather encounter a large poisonous scorpion with nothing to stop it or get attacked by a giant deadly spider?
If the spider is deadly, I'd rather be attacked by the scorpion, because, according to my lab instructor, people almost never die from scorpion stings.

Would you rather spend Easter or Thanksgiving away from home?
I thought this would be Thanksgiving, easily. Upon further reflection, I realized that Easter would still go pretty darn well as long as I had a good worship service to attend. My Thanksgiving, however, would be crippled if I had to be away from home. That being said, I would rather spend Easter away from home, especially if I get to be in Jerusalem!

Would you rather live for a year with two astronauts in a space station or half a year completely secluded in the wilderness?
Half a year completely secluded in the wilderness. If I had a lot of books and my laptop, I'd be fine.:D

Would you rather ride a hippogriff or a dragon?
A hippogriff. I have an old grudge against dragons. I favor the view of dragons as symbols of unfathomable depravity. To me, dragons will always remain the beasts that terrorize towns and have to be appeased by a supply of virgins. They are the very image of that Ancient Rebel, whose tail swept a third of the stars from the sky...
Excuse that. Sorry Pete's Dragon. Sorry Puff.

Would you rather be completely bald, without a follicle of hair remaining on your body or the hairiest human being in the world (just picture your competition)?
Hairy---at least, I can bite back my big cats - if they bite me back, all they get are chunks of hair - and I can survive better up glaciated peaks!:D

wyr fight Voldemort or Saruman?:D
I don't know who Voldemort is, so I guess Sauron. But either one would have me in about five seconds, so it wouldn't make much of a difference.:p

Would you rather be thought of as lionlike or foxlike?
Lionlike. I got told I was foxlike in a[n inaccurate] Facebook quiz, which defined fox-ness (no, that is not a word) as the following:

You are very sly and shrewd. You don't think about others and only yourself. You help others only if you will gain something from it, and you are not affected by anyone else's suffering. You have no friends, but people find you very interesting and complex. You get what you want no matter what and it doesn't bother you to deceive others to get it. You are not to be trusted and people stay on their guard around you.

"Complex" is about the only accurate thing in that entire description.

Would you rather get a horrible result on an Internet quiz or get a horrible result on a quiz in school?
Internet quiz, because it wouldn't matter. Besides, most internet quizzes are rather...dumb.:rolleyes: ("Do u think u r a Smart person")

Would you rather get silly putty stuck in your hair or spill ink on your favorite outfit?
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Internet quiz, because it wouldn't matter. Besides, most internet quizzes are rather...dumb.:rolleyes:

Would you rather get silly putty stuck in your hair or spill ink on your favorite outfit?

I'm very clothes-conscientious (though I'm a male) so silly putty, yeah. My hair needs cutting anyway.
Would you rather be too afraid to express your opinions, or too outspoken about your opinions without being able to help it? (e.g. "What a hideous outfit you're wearing! You look ugly in it!---oops.")
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