Would you rather...

I hate heights, so I'm going with river hiking... What is a river hike?

Would you rather... paint your nails bright blue or midnight purple?
Hm...they're both good, but at the moment I feel more in the mood for Fellowship of the Ring.:D

Would you rather have a miserable youth and a happy old age, or a happy youth and a miserable old age?
happy youth, because that may be the way it goes for me because when I'm old I can't go on adventures.:(:rolleyes:

wyr drink a gallon of juice all at once or a gallon of pop/soda all at once?
Juice, even though I don't like it that much. Drinking all that pop at once would make me sick. (Unless it was root beer!;))

Would you rather have super powers during the day or during the night?

Juice, even though I don't like it that much. Drinking all that pop at once would make me sick. (Unless it was root beer!;))

Would you rather have super powers during the day or during the night?

It depends what super powers...
Day most likely...

WYR: Swim in a pool of coffee or in a pool of tea??? (as in the drink)
White Witch's Castle... At least I'd get Turkish Delight...

Would you rather trip/stumble or say something embarrassing out loud in front of a crowd.
A rainbow... at least my bum wouldn't be wet then...

Would you rather dance with the stars (movie stars) or sing with the stars (singer stars)?