♣Teh Deviant♣
New member
Be hated. (bwahaha)
PE or...cheerleading *shudder*
PE or...cheerleading *shudder*
will and anna cuz im evil like that:rollseyes:*SkandarsQueen* said:oops sorry i had forgotten to ask a ?
......im indecisive....jk SKANDAR.
william with anna or william with amanda bynes
starve william starve slow and painfullllllll!!!muahhhhhhhh i feel evil tonightTheMachinist said:Amanda bynesWhat did you think I was going to say
William starve to death, or be put out of his misery imedietly before I find him![]()
oohhhh...bothFender Stratocaster said:too full..
Mandalorians or Pirates?
sorry umm summer or winter*PyroPeach* said:oohhhh...both![]()
ummm..bothnarnia+north said:Pirates. Everyone loves a pirate!!
Would you rather meet someone you love or meet someone that loves you?
ohhhhFender Stratocaster said:Shire..Hobbiton..LOTR...
Both...can't choose cuz I have both!