Would you rather...

That's hard but i'd have to say sinking ship cuz i hate the heat!!!

Would u rather play dodgeball against ALL the guys in your school or play against the teachers!!!! (me- well both)
narnia+north said:
That's hard but i'd have to say sinking ship cuz i hate the heat!!!

Would u rather play dodgeball against ALL the guys in your school or play against the teachers!!!! (me- well both)

i'd rather play dodgeball against all the guys...yeah..that would be great...*sighs*

Would u rather walk naked in the Central Park or walk in a bunny costume in the CP ?
Bunny costume.
would you rather eat 200lbs of liqorice or lick a public toilet seat?
Ok that's hard cuz i'm scared of flying and scared of ships but i would have to choose the ship. I hope i never have to do that though.

Would u rather die a thousand deaths or surrendor a war? (i got this from my ss. book. how lame is that?)
narnia+north said:
Scratch that lame question.

Would you rather be hyper or random? Lame or cool? Short or tall?

Short. Unless were playing basketball. :D

Would you rather:
Sing or be Sang to?
Kiss or be kissed?
Die for love or die for fame?
*Is obsessed with Will* said:
Short. Unless were playing basketball. :D

Would you rather:
Sing or be Sang to?
Kiss or be kissed?
Die for love or die for fame?

sang to.
be kissed
die for love.

do i have to three?
okay. whatever.

would you rather:
be bitten by a snake or a spider?
smash your footinto a brick or drop an iron on your hand?
abc's or 123's?
narnia+north said:
I would be bitten by a spider, brick, and abc's.

Would u rather be a willianite or skandarnite? (hopefullyspelling is correct)

A Willianite. Because quite frankly the Skandarnites are insane. :D

Be killed by an angry rampaging polar bear or be killed by a dozen rabid squirrels? :)
*Is obsessed with Will* said:
A Willianite. Because quite frankly the Skandarnites are insane. :D

Be killed by an angry rampaging polar bear or be killed by a dozen rabid squirrels? :)

Ploar bears.... squirrels are evil....

Go skydiving without a parachute or bungee jumping without a rope?
Machiathemarshwiggle said:
Ploar bears.... squirrels are evil....

Go skydiving without a parachute or bungee jumping without a rope?

Skydiving..because I'll have a longer time to enjoy my life before I die. :D

Swim in fish guts or swim inside the gut of a fish?