New member
"How about this?" said Vissarion. "Ivan and I can be back outside again--" (he pointed off to his left) "--roughly THAT direction, in less than twenty minutes, and wait for you to emerge. There are two readymade openings on that side already, though the direct approach to one of them has a pit in the way. Once out, we'll stand by where we can see a large extent of the perimeter. Air drafts should give you a sign if you're near either opening; if really near, you'll find some of my trail marks. Your disappearing lady should be able to find our windows easily enough; both of them are pretty close to outside ground level. While we're waiting for you, I'll see if I can spot more bricked-over windows to open up for the ones who CAN'T phase through them. How does that sound to you?"
"Nice plan," Veragoe said with a nod, "And the disappearing girl is named Meridia. But I dont think you'll have to open windows, Meridia can phase the others through. And be careful out there, I dont want to be the stewardess of a funeral." She said with a smile, "See ya at the top."
"I'll go with you," Jade said to the men, "If we meet one of those things I want to take an analysis of it.