Alright, first and foremost, remember y'all, WE ARE NOT IN A WAR OVER THIS TOPIC!!!!!! It seems like ,Miss Reep and Inkspot, you two are getting so into this and upset that we have different opinions about this. It is not a war, you two, or rather, you three (because you, Sir Tom, are getting a little overdefensive yourself)
Mr. Bob, thank you for being so calm about this..

Now, to the topic at hand.. I never said that I liked that the writers changed the characters, in fact, I despise that fact, but I am making the best of it. It is not in our power to change what happened in this movie, and remember, it is a movie y'all, not real life. In reality, everything that happened in that movie that you guys hate us for liking is the writers fault, the actors were just following the script, and they pulled off their script fantastically. Now I know that this discussion is not about the actors or the screenwriters but I thought I would bring in that point..
But movie-wise, the Castle Raid was partly both of their faults. Peter could have done his best to call everyone off after Caspian messed up. Note the AFTER Caspian messed up. In my mind, it was his mistake that messed everything up in the first place. In my mind, Peter was not complaining at all. Complaining is what little 3 year olds do when they can not get their way. Even a frustrated teenage king would be mature enough to avoid complaning, and Peter was mature enough to avoid that. Remember that Caspian was the one who was pulled his sword at Peter first, Peter was just responding to a possible threat! Yes, Peter insulted Caspian, but HE WAS RIGHT IN EVERYTHING HE SAID!!!! He could have said it nicer, but the Telmarines have no right to invade Narnia, or to rule it at all. It was given to Caspian LATER by Aslan. But Peter couldn't see the future. Peter was doing his best, and losing his cool, while handling the situation. Yes, he was as mature as a 30 year old, but he was still a teenager. I am sure that he would have had the teenage emotions and so forth, because that was what he was, no matter how mature he was.. Peter DID change in the end, and that was the best part, when he realizes that Caspian is going to take his place and accepts it of his own free will. I am sorry that you do not see his change...
But remember that this is not a war zone, it is a discussion of our opinions on this matter. We do not have to change the other persons mind, just get them to see where you are coming from. I see where you guys are coming from, I think it's time that you see where we are coming from now.